Fly Guy by:炅妈亲子英语 8288 Fly Guy by:Sunny的阅读馆 1262 Fly Guy by:rainbow娃娃 1609 Fly Guy by:党妈妈 3.7万 fly guy by:精灵学堂 498 fly guy by:乐之有声双语绘本 322 Fly Guy by:原版阅读Tina 7100 fly guy by:辣妈婴幼儿英语启蒙 ...
This is a great one to do with your kids. Put a little non-toxic paint on your kids’ hands or feet. They can press the paint carefully onto a blank sheet of paper. It’s best if the handprints or footprints are somewhat close together. This will create a better wing effect. You c...