Top Six Fly Fishing Nippers and Why! (Life is too short for crappy nippers) Is there anything more frustrating than trying to snip a piece of tippet off the fly you struggled tying on in the waning hours of light on an evening hatch (see 20/20 MAGNETIC TIPPET THREADER), and they won...
If you are using excessive thread, eight or nine turns in your whip finish, and you spray those all over, up and down the fly, the knot will have multiple “S” turns in the underlying thread, and will likely not draw tight at all – or the thread will snap when you attempt to ti...
The invention is a fishhook threading device mounted on the rod of a fishing pole and utilizing opposing diverging funnel-shaped passages in the main body of the device. One passage is for mounting the eyelet of a fishhook therein while a line is threaded through the opposing passage to be ...
A productive method of fishing the Freaner Flasher is to cast across stream and mend the fly line to allow the fly to sink as it drifts downstream. Oftentimes the fish will strike as the fly comes tight during the swing or as the fly hangs in the current below you. That is especially...
Click here to find out about the Original Fishermans Knot-Tying Tool, our small fly & hook threader & instructional DVD by Lake Products LLC.
thread for almost all of our tying and size A (200 denier) unwaxed thread as our single strand floss.TMore than 20 years ago, we added Nylon Stretch to our thread line up. Those three have served us well for many years so even though there are many other types of thread on the ...|Maximumcatch's Lightweight Fly Fishing Magnetic Tippet Threader is a must-have accessory for fly fishing enthusiasts. Made from high-density plastic, this tippet threader is designed for easy use and durability.
When you’re fishing a traditional setup, be sure to cast upstream at a 45 or so degree angle. I like to make 10-15-foot casts. As soon as your fly hits the water, be sure to mend so your fly can take the lead downstream. If your fly line does, you’ll lose the natural prese...
y-and-hook threader Small-fly-and-hook threaderSmall-fly-and-hook threaderdoi:USD617866 S1John W. RustowiczUS
We DISCOUNT fly fishing gear AS THE RULE. All fly fishermen whether healthy or disabled should enjoy the fishing experience without experiencing the monetary pain. Do you Catch & Release?