Hooked on Canada ; Fly fishers from the Inland Northwest find; feisty trout in the waters of British ColumbiaFenton Roskelley Correspondent
Pennsylvania has six major regions, and each offers fantastic fishing. We’ll share information about the best fly fishing spots in the North-Central, South-Central, Southeast, Northeast, Southwest, and Northwest locations so you can head out and catch colossal fish whenever you want! 12 Best T...
John has decades of experience flats fishing the Florida Keys and striped bass fishing in the Northeast. John has fished for trout extensively in the northeast, Canada, Europe, and the Rockies, and warmwater species in the Amazonas. He has spent extensive time exploring the waters of the Nort...
freshwater fish dens of all kinds in the Midwest and West; and Pacific salmon and steelhead runs in the Northwest. And he also covers the incredible variety of fishing holes to be found in the completely different fisheries of Alaska and Florida. He didn't just go on memory, either. Each...
Fly fishers pursue rainbow trout on the renowned Colorado River tailwater below Glen Canyon Dam. AdvertisementBecause of the pandemic, the Gunns have lost hundreds of reservations for all the services they provide. Worse, they were planning to sell their businesses and retire, and had been ...
Education Award- New Orleans Fly Fishers - awarded to an individual or club has made oustanding contributions to passing along the art of fly fishing to others. In addition to these Louisiana winners, Cody Wells of Destin, Florida was awardedMan of the Yearfor unusual devotion to the sport of...