Using the above mentionedcatcommand helped produce a .flv file which plays in VLC but looking at the flv's Media Information > Codec Details window it shows 52 streams mostly various audio and video types but also 2 subtitle streams:
Some legacy versions ofFFmpegdon't support the option-c copy, the options-vcodec copy -acodec copycan be used instead. Theappnameis used to match an application block in rtmp block (see below for details). Thestreamnamecan be specified at will but canNOTbe omitted. ...
3、Windows上本地模拟推送RTMP视频流到nginx-http-flv-module 参考上面使用FFMpeg推送的流程,修改模拟推流bat脚本为 ffmpeg.exe -re -i D:\WorkSpace\Other\FFmpegDemo\test\1.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -f flv rtmp:// pause 1. 2. 推流成功之后,使用VLC进行拉流测试,...
ffmpeg -i 文件名.flv -vcodec copy -acodec copy 文件名.mp4 (3)RMVB转MP4格式 ffmpeg -i 文件名.rmvb -c:v libx264 -strict -2 文件名.mp4 (4)通过脚本的方式,对视频格式进行转码。 将代码复制粘贴到文本文档中,文件后缀名改为bat cmd /k "cd /d D:\ffmpeg\bin&&ffmpeg -i E:\Download\Video...
开源流媒体服务器ZLMediaKit在Windows上运行、配置、按需拉流拉取摄像头rtsp视频流)并使用http-flv网页播放_srs按需拉流_霸道流氓气质的博客-CSDN博客 按照上面流程进行拉取摄像头的rtsp流并转流使用flv.js播放时提示: DemuxException: type - CodeUnsupported,info - Flv: Unsupported codec in video fram:12 ...
windows powershell用 .\ffmpeg.exe -re -i 2.mp4 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -f flv "rtmp://" 1. 四、播放视频 1.使用VLC播放 打开VLC网络串流 使用rtmp拉流 ip地址为nginx服务器ip地址,我的nginx在本地,所以用本地地址 ...
videocodecid: (Number) Video codec ID number used in the FLV. (Sorenson H.263 =2, Screen Video =3, On2 VP6 = 4 and 5, Screen Video V2 = 6). audiocodecid: (Number) Audio codec ID number used in the FLV. (Uncompressed = 0, ADPCM = 1, MP3 = 2, NellyMoser = 5 and 6). ...
Title:海康NVR设备RTSP协议转RTMP协议 Date: 2017-10-17 Author: kagula 环境: [1]海康NVR设备 型号为DS-7808N-E2/8P...[2]CentOS7 [3]Chrome 61.0.3163.79 [4]Safari 5.1.7 内容概要 海康NVR设备上的RTSP协议转RTMP协议,Chrome等浏览器上就能直接看海康威视视频...101 -codec copy -f flv -an rtmp...版本是7.8.3 安装好之后在相关页面引入: import videojs from 'video.js'; import "videojs-flash" import 'video.js...搭建ffmpeg rtmp转flv ffmpeg -re -i rtmp://ip:9999/myapp/room1 -vcodec libx264 -vprofile baseline -acodec...libmp3lame -ar 44100 -ac 1 -f flv rtmp://...