Key to Maciunas’s vision was the participation of artists who shared his maverick sensibility. Together and individually, they set out to explore all that art was not, even to the point of dissolving the very concept of art within everyday reality. Musical performance provided a basic ...
pressinganykey. ■LOWBATTERY WHILEPOWEROFF Ifthismessageisdisplayedwhenthetransmitterisswitchedon,thetransmitterhasbeen switchedoffautomaticallyduetoatoolowbatterycharge. Powersupplyoperation Important! →Useonlythesuppliedpowersupplyunit. →Thepowersupplyisnotprotectedagainstmoisture.Useitonlyindryrooms. →Thevoltage...
Key to Maciunas’s vision was the participation of artists who shared his maverick sensibility. Together and individually, they set out to explore all that art was not, even to the point of dissolving the very concept of art within everyday reality. Musical performance provided a basic structure...
Whenstartingupthetransmitterforthefirsttime,settingsrelatingtothelanguage,time,dateandsystemofunitshaveto bemade.AfterwardsthemenuParameterswillbedisplayed. Atlaterstart-upsthemeasuredvalueswillbedisplayedincasethemeasurementhadnotbeenstoppedbeforethe transmitterwasdisconnectedfromthepowersupply.Ifthemeasurementisstopped...
Through a humorous and minimalist approach, key Fluxus members Nam June Paik, Yoko Ono, George Brecht, and others created what has been aptly termed as “anti-films.” These works called into question the medium’s inherent attributes by subverting all notions of traditional film narrative, ...