when they first met and began working together. Mekas was his senior by nine years; he too had emigrated to New York from Lithuania because of WWII. The alternative film venue Mekas founded, Cinematheque, had begun to attract
onlydifferenceisthatthesendingandreceivingprocessdonotoccurinthesametrans- ducer.Thisleadstoabettersignalquality.Thetransducersaremountedinparallelon thepipeatasmalldistance,seeFig.3.5.AmeasurementinTransitTimemodeisnot possiblewhenworkingwiththismeasurementarrangement. Fig.3.5:MeasurementarrangementintheNoiseTrekparalle...
Maciunas assembled a group of expatriate artists working along advanced lines in Europe (Benjamin Patterson, Nam June Pailk, Emmett Williams), welcomed Dick Higgins and Alison Knowles from New York, and added Europeans as he extended his activities-Wolf Vostell, Addi Koepke, Tomas Schmit, Ben ...
Wewillbegratefulforanysuggestionsandcommentsregardingtheconceptandyourexperiencewhenworkingwiththe measuringequipment.Ifyouhaveanysuggestionsaboutimprovingthedocumentationandparticularlythisoperating instruction,pleaseletusknowsothatwecanconsideryourcommentsforfuturereprints. Copyright Thecontentsofthisoperatinginstructionaresubjec...
From Fluxus to Media Art Stendhal Gallery March 6 – May 24, 2008 Opening Reception: Thursday, March 6, 6-8pm Stendhal Gallery is pleased to present From Fluxus to Media Art, a special selection of artists working in a range of media including film, vide
As a strong believer of the intersection of architecture and business as impactful collective efforts, particularly in a context of the fourth industrialization and sharing economy, Fanyu Lin is now working with key stakeholders to form strategic partnershi...
And I arrived by the great mercy of Almighty God safe in this port the 6th of June, not having above thirty men in the ship, myself, lieutenants, officers and servants (besides three men I had at sea from the Pearl) that were able to assist to the working of ...