ALPHA8 EF-6103 is designed to minimize bridging on bottom side QFPs, as well as providing superior performance in pin testing, hole-fill and solderballing. Additionally, it provides good Pb-free solder joint cosmetics with an evenly spread, tack free residue. 展开 年份: 2009 ...
Liquid FluxALPHA EF-6103NoL***I, II, III Liquid FluxALPHA SLS-65CYESVL***II, III Liquid FluxKester 951YESVL***II, III Rework FluxALPHA NR205YESVL***I, II, III Cored WireALPHA FT-2002NoN/A***N/A Cored WireALPHA Telecore HF-850YESN/A***N/A What do you need ...
Kester 951 is a halogen-free, rosin-free, no-clean, alcohol-based liquid flux, specifically developed to deliver outstanding board cosmetics and to eliminate solder balling and solder bridging. Halogen free Thermally stable activators for good hole-fill, low solder bridging and low solder balling ...