Résumé The problem of laminar free convection with uniform surface heat flux along a vertical plate is considered. An approximate universal solution for variable physical properties gases is proposed. A relation between the lower value of the modified Grashof number versus Prandt1 number limits the...
Flux critique de chaleur dans des serpentins avec un flux circonferentiel croissant vers la surface externeDie kritische wärmestromdichte in spiralrohrschlangen mit einem wärmestromdichte-gradienten in unfangsrichtung nach aussenКpиTичecкий TeплoBoй пoToк B BинTooбpaзны...
The flow inside a RB convection cell is driven by a temperature difference between top and bottom plate, while the heat loss throughout the sidewall is suppressed. A lot of effort has been taken to measure the global heat transport at high Ra spanning a wide Pr range. However, it is ...
Théorie analytique de la chaleur. F. Didot (1822). Cattaneo, C. Sulla conduzione del calore. Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena 3, 83–101 (1948). MathSciNet MATH Google Scholar Christov, C. I. On frame indifferent formulation of the Maxwell-Cattaneo model of finite-speed heat ...
With an objective to unfold the flow and heat transfer characteristics of carbon nanotubes between two stretchable coaxial rotating disks, the present investigation has been carried out. The behavior of single- and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs and MWCNTs) taking water as the base fluid is...
Soil heat flux studies have indicated that the instantaneous daytime flux can be estimated as a fraction of the net radiation, the ratio ranging from 0.1 to 0.5, depending on the amount of vegetation present and on the time of day. Soil heat flux and net radiation were measured for an ...
Since then, many researchers have looked into various aspects of boundary layer flow problems over stretched surfaces, such as free convection, heat genera- tion or absorption, chemical reactions, slip effects, and the impact of surface suction or blowing on a Newtonian fluid. Ishak et al. [...
Fourier, Theorie Analytique De La Chaleur, Paris.Search in Google Scholar [27] C.Cattaneo, Sulla Conduzionedelcalore, Atti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico dell Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia 3(1948) 83-101.Search in Google Scholar [28] C.I. Christov, On frame indifferent formulation...
Simulation numerique de la stabilite dans les cavites rectangulaires soumises a des flux de chaleur uniformes et croises.In this thesis, we focus on a linear and weakly non-linear stability analysis of the parallel, fully developed convection flow in a rectangular cavity whose boundaries are ...
Des expériences d'ébullition en convection forcée sont conduites avec FC-72, un 3 M Flourinert à 1,36 bar sur un arrangement linéaire de neuf sources de chaleur discrètes simulant des chips microélectroniques qui affleurent sur la surface d'un canal vertical et rectangulaire. La vites...