in my case all of above not working. on error, I found google-services.json and GoogleService-Info.plist is empty then I download two files manually from firebase console web page. and run flutterfire configure again. it works. 👍2 BaptisteLecat commentedon Jul 19, 2023 BaptisteLecat on...
InInfo.plist, I get the error, no matter if I set theFirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabledto true or false. Along with that, I also get the error whether or not I do the following in myAppDelegate.swift import Firebase Firebase.configure() ...
When I try toflutterfire configureI got this error on a windows machine. I'm able to run/debug and build my app. I've create another empty project and it worked as expected. But for my current setup it is not working. FlutterAppRequiredException: The current directory does not appear t...
Create Flutter Project for only windows platform flutter create --org com.clipnavi --description 'test' --platforms windows --template app test add firebase project dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli flutterfire configure --project=clipspace1check only windows and enter. pub add flutter pub ...
i have created a repo to prove that the swift project background handler works in the native app but in flutter firebase messaging it not working and always getInitialMessage returns null on iOS #9462 prove_bacground_handler_ios_works is...
configure(designSize: const Size(1280, 720), minTextAdapt: true); return MediaQuery( data: MediaQuery.of(context) .copyWith(textScaler: const TextScaler.linear(1.0)), child: MaterialApp( debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false, title: 'Admin Layanan Surat Online', initialRoute: RoutesPath.login, /...
After all of this, runApp is called. And I tried flutterfire update and flutterfire configure beforehand, but still get errors. Sorry, something went wrong. google-oss-botaddedNeeds AttentionThis issue needs maintainer attention.and removedblocked: customer-responseWaiting for customer response, e....
We're assessing the possibility of including the android upload symbol step to FlutterFire CLI as part of runningflutterfire configureto make it easier for folks. Hypothetically speaking, we could update the app'sbuild.gradleto upload the debug symbols by running the Firebase CLI upload-symbol sc...
But to run the plugin example, I will need to configure its for production release, because only in this scenario I reproduce this problem. google-oss-bot added Needs Attention and removed Stale blocked: customer-response labels Aug 10, 2023 darshankawar commented Aug 11, 2023 We tried by...
But the plugin still doesn't allow to configure the default app: I/flutter ( 6644): [E] TIME: 2021-04-23T13:03:36.262561 Error: [core/duplicate-app] A Firebase App named "[DEFAULT]" already exists at #0 MethodChannelFirebase.initializeApp timosturm commented Apr 28, 2021 • edited ...