flutter_quill支不支持鸿蒙系统 3 浏览60 发布于2025-02-18 03:39北京 全部评论 最多点赞 最新发布 最早发布 我是大富翁 | 技术支持 官网显示目前还不支持,可以给flutter_quill留言,让他们适配起来,https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_quill 2 1楼回复于2025-02-19 03:15 来自广东 hid83693613 不支持可...
zlyuanteng1楼•2 个月前
dependencies:flutter_quill:git:url:https://github.com/singerdmx/flutter-quill.gitref:v<latest-version-here> Tip If you're using version10.0.0, seethe migration guide to migrate to11.0.0. 🛠 Platform Setup Theflutter_quillpackage uses the following plugins: ...
License FlutterQuill is a rich text editor and aQuillcomponent forFlutter. This library is a WYSIWYG editor built for the modern mobile platform, with web compatibility under development. Check out ourYoutube PlaylistorCode Introductionto take a detailed walkthrough of the code base. You can join...
QuillController _controller = QuillController.basic(); and then embed the toolbar and the editor, within your app. For example: Column(children:[QuillToolbar.basic(controller:_controller),Expanded(child:Container(child:QuillEditor.basic(controller:_controller,readOnly:false,// true for view only ...
1dependencies:2flutter_quill:^8.6.03 After adding the dependency, runflutter pub getto install the package. Basic Usage of Flutter Quill To use Flutter Quill as your rich text editor, you first need to create a QuillController: 1QuillController_controller=QuillController.basic();2 ...
The only thing that you need is to add aCustomBlockEmbedand provider a builder for it to theembedBuildersparameter, to transform the data inside of the Custom Block into a widget! Here is an example: Starting with theCustomBlockEmbed, here we extend it and add the methods that are useful...
在Flutter中使用flutter_quill插入图片,可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 确定flutter_quill支持的图片插入方式: flutter_quill是一个功能丰富的富文本编辑器,支持多种文本和媒体格式的插入,包括图片。 准备需要插入的图片资源: 确保你有需要插入的图片资源,这些资源可以是本地文件、网络图片或者通过其他方式获取的图片。 在...
Flutter_quill作为一款基于Flutter的富文本编辑器,提供了丰富的功能和强大的性能。本文将深入探究Flutter_quill的代码结构和实现原理,帮助开发者更好地了解该编辑器。 一、代码结构 Flutter_quill的代码结构清晰、模块化,便于理解和扩展。主要包含以下几个模块: 1. Editor `Editor`模块是Flutter_quill的核心,负责文本...