child: FlickVideoPlayer( flickManager: flickManager, preferredDeviceOrientationFullscreen: [ DeviceOrientation.landscapeLeft, DeviceOrientation.landscapeRight, ], flickVideoWithControls: FlickVideoWithControls( videoFit: BoxFit.contain, controls: CustomOrientationControls( ), ), flickVideoWithControlsFullscreen: ...
chewie实际上就是为video_player做了一个 UI 上的封装,因为 UI 实在长得太像。 控制栏样式? chewie并不能自定义控制栏样式,那只能自己修改源码了(修改的版本是 v0.6.1)。 首先打开文件:chewie/lib/src/material_controls.dart,在里面定义两个变量。 constlightColor=Color.fromRGBO(255,255,255,0.85);constd...
The official Flutter player for . Contribute to apivideo/ development by creating an account on GitHub.
closedCaptionFile: _loadCaptions(), videoPlayerOptions: VideoPlayerOptions(mixWithOthers: true), ...
Steps to reproduce make a VideoPlayerController with webOptions. VideoPlayerController.asset("assets/xxx.mp4", videoPlayerOptions: VideoPlayerOptions( webOptions: const VideoPlayerWebOptions( allowContextMenu: false, allowRemotePlayback:...
Custom controls for normal and fullscreen. Auto-play list of videos. Change playback speed. Keyboard shortcuts for web 9. Flutter VLC player Flutter VLC playeris a VLC-based alternative to the regular Flutter video player (see item 2 on this list). It is free, thoroughly documented, and ...
BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration( playerTheme:BetterPlayerTheme.custom, 复用UI 复制文件 ~/.pub-cache/hosted/ 文件末尾 增加UI一个投屏函数 Widget_buildAirPlay(VideoPlayerController controller) { ...
Play/pause music and video with a gesture Tired of remote chaos? Flutter transforms how you manage music and videos using simple gestures. Wave goodbye to the hassle of reaching for controls—just a hand motion plays or pauses your media....
controls: NoVideoControls, ), ), // 播放/暂停按钮 StreamBuilder( stream:, builder: (context, playing) { return Visibility( visible: == false, child: Center( child: IconButton( padding:, ...