if (!mounted) return; setState(() { images = resultList; _error = error; }); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return new MaterialApp( home: new Scaffold( appBar: new AppBar( title: const Text('Image Upload'), centerTitle: true, ), body: Column( children: <Widget...
selectedImages.add(File(image.path)); } } } 创建一个方法来将图片文件上传到API。使用dio或http库发送POST请求,并将图片文件作为请求的一部分。具体的代码可能如下所示: 代码语言:txt 复制 Future<void> uploadImagesToApi() async { var url = 'API_URL'; var dio = Dio(); for (var imageFile i...
{ // 将图片上传到服务器,并获取上传后的图片URL String imageUrl = await uploadImageToServer(image.path); uploadedImageUrls.add(imageUrl); } return uploadedImageUrls; } 创建一个函数,用于将图片上传到服务器。这个函数可以使用Dio等网络请求库来实现。 代码语言:txt 复制 Future<String> uploadImageToSer...
上传图片的时候需要把File类型转换成String类型varfileDir=_imageDir.path;FormDataformData=FormData.fromMap({"name":"zhangsna 6666666666","age":20,"sex":"男","file":awaitMultipartFile.fromFile(fileDir,filename:"xxx.jpg")});varresponse=awaitDio().post("http://jd.itying.com/imgupload",data:...
dio:link Plugins cookie_manager:link compatibility_layer:link http2_adapter:link native_dio_adapter:link web_adapter:link example:link example_flutter_app:link Copyright & License The project and its underlying projects are originally authored by@wenduxwith the organization@flutterchina, started being ...
import 'package:dio/dio.dart' as dio; Future<void> upload() async { final entity = await obtainYourEntity(); final uri = Uri.https('example.com', 'create'); final response = dio.Dio().requestUri( uri, data: dio.FormData.fromMap({ 'test_field': 'test_value', 'test_file': awai...
Identity documents upload. Dedicated election page that is only accessible on the election day. Source Code:Online Voting Application 5. Tic-Tac-Toe Game Tic-Tac-Toe is a classical game that requires the participation of two players. With C#, you can build a simple tic-tac-toe game to stre...
Let's start with the last one. But, before we start describing the state of our application, we need to make a big lyrical digression. It's not a secret for those who develop applications on Flutter that Dart is a single-threaded language with the ability to run multiple, so-called ...
Let's start with the last one. But, before we start describing the state of our application, we need to make a big lyrical digression. It's not a secret for those who develop applications on Flutter that Dart is a single-threaded language with the ability to run multiple, so-called ...
static Future<void> upload(String filePath, ProgressCallback progressCallback) async { // 获取直传签名等信息 String ext = path.extension(filePath).substring(1); Map<String, dynamic> directTransferData; try { directTransferData = await _getStsDirectSign(ext); } catch (err) { if (kDebugMo...