3. 与本地version信息比对,选择是否展示更新弹窗,我们采用的是event_bus触发 if(localVersion==remoteVersion)return;eventManager.eventBus.fire(newUpdateAppEvent(versionInfo)); 4. 进行版本升级,要注意区分Android与IOS (1) IOS更新app包 IOS的处理方式比较简单,直接跳转到appStore即可,我这里采用的urlLauncher直接...
Rev to the latest vm service library (#3801) Adapt to API changes in ASc6 (#3802) Switch to using the VM Service directly instead of the Daemon protocol when invoking service extensions (#3790) Update no-response.yml (#3789) Upgrade the version of the dart plugin that we compile against...
Use to create, update and handling action for [DynamicIsland UI] and [Lock screen/banner UI] License: MIT License Platform: ios Published: 2022-11-21T01:53:55.252965Z Total: 2 like_button v2.0.5 Like Button is a flutter library that allows you to create a button with animation ...
Use to create, update and handling action for [DynamicIsland UI] and [Lock screen/banner UI] License: MIT License Platform: ios Published: 2022-11-21T01:53:55.252965Z Total: 2 like_button v2.0.5 Like Button is a flutter library that allows you to create a button with animation ...
在创建销售订单时,保存之后,出现如下显示: 点放大镜出现: 出现上面红色错误的时候 怎么解决 解决办法如下: 这个是开启配置了销售订单的合法控制 属于外贸关税的配置里面的 要关闭订单类型的合法控制检查即可 路径:销售分销-外贸关税-合法控制 凭证控制 把合法控制 由 C 改为 空 ...
...currentVersion.LessThan(latestVersion), LatestVersion: latest, } return updateInfo, nil } cobra 实现upgrade...下面的代码中,我们基于 go-release 实现了一个带upgrade命令的简易 CLI,核心逻辑便是比较本地版本是否是最新的,如果不是则安装最新的。...方法则是会阻塞 PersistentPostRun: func(cmd *...
Try harder to find pub root (#5753) Build menu should be visible even if no file is selected (#5750) 2021.2.1 Fixed NPE when attach a project that doesn't containsc pubspec.yaml, see https://github.com/beansoft/flutter-storm-support/issues/24. Update all the Flutter Snippets Fix an ...
SomeAndroidlicenses not accepted.Toresolvethis,run:flutter doctor--android-licenses[!]iOS toolchain-developforiOS devices(Xcode8.1)✗Flutterrequires a minimumXcodeversion of9.0.0.Downloadthe latest version or update via theMacAppStore.✗ libimobiledevice and ideviceinstaller are not installed.To...
First depend on the library by adding this to your packagespubspec.yaml: dependencies:flutter_unity_widget:^2.0.0+2 Now inside your Dart code you can import it. import'package:flutter_unity_widget/flutter_unity_widget.dart'; Preview 30 fps gifs, showcasing communication between Flutter and Unit...
Apps made with React Native can be updated without needing to go through the entire review process (e.g by usingCodePushorExpo EAS Update). Expo is a framework based on React Native that speeds up the development process by rich SDK for standard features (like camera, linking, SMS, splash...