默认情况下,Text小部件中的文本不会换行。如果文本超出了其父级小部件的宽度,它将被截断。要使文本自动换行,可以设置softWrap属性为true: Text('This is a long text that will wrap to the next line because softWrap is true.', softWrap:true, ) ...
as_LimitedWrapParentData;if(childCount>0&&runMainAxisExtent+spacing+childWidth>mainAxisLimit){// 换行if(maxLine>0&&runLine>=maxLine-1){childParentData._limit=true;break;}mainAxisExtent=math.max(mainAxisExtent,runMainAxisExtent);crossAxisExtent+=runCrossAxisExtent;if(runLine>0)crossAxisExtent+=runSp...
Error: "The targeted input element must be the active input element" when switching focus between TextFormField #156842 commented on Dec 19, 2024 • 0 new comments [web] [Pointer Interceptor] App crashed on Chrome when closing a dialog containing Pointer Interceptor and Voice over is turn...
中间的文本部分需要根据个数自动换行,因此考虑使用Wrap。预习这个地方涉及到叠加,考虑Stack实现; 第四行可以看作一个Row,分三块进行布局; 第五行可以看作一个Row,分两块布局。 每一行之间的间隔,则可以考虑用Padding或者Container来设置。 通过上面这样一步一步的分析后,基本上对大致的布局有了一个了解,最外层的控...
Text('flutter', style:TextStyle( fontSize:20,文本字号大小 height:2,//文本高度,数值表示文本的高度是字体大小的倍数 color:Color(0xfff0000),文本的颜色 decoration:TextDecration.underline,//文本的修饰。其他有none无/overline上划线/lineThrough删除线 ...
Steps to Reproduce After updating to Flutter 3.7, when a TextField gains focus, the keyboard appears but then immediately is dismissed. This issue was originally reported here. I have confirmed that this issue does not occur in Flutter v...
child: Text( "This text is very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long", maxLines: 2, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, ), ), Just wrap your text widget withExpandedas shown below ...
Stringtext(String src){returnsrc.substring(start+1,end-1);}@override TextStylegetstyle=>TextStyleSupport.dotWrapStyle;}复制代码 在使用时,使用抽象SpanBean,在列表添加对象时使用对应的实现。这便是多态的奥义。 代码语言:javascript 复制 List _spans=[];// 使用抽象voidparseContent(){while(!_scanner.is...
目前我所用到的布局主要就是这几个。另外还有流式布局也非常有用,比如Expanded、Wrap, 因为这些布局...
flutter_html_rich_text:^1.0.0 1. 2. 1.3 加载解析 HTML 片段标签 核心方法如下: ///htmlText 就是你的 HTML 片段了 HtmlRichText( htmlText:txt, ), 1. 2. 3. 4. 如下代码清单 1-3-1 就是上述图中的效果: /// 代码清单 1-3-1 ...