Steps to Reproduce Create a RichText with multiple TextSpans, style the center TextSpan with a different color, get wrong results. I need to make some part of the text a different color, but when using RichText and TextSpans with differe...
TextStyle.inherit = true 相当于***继承*** 最为接近的DefaultTextStyle ,比如要让DefaultTextStyle的字体大小,颜色一样,直接再设置个粗体即可 TextStyle.inherit = false 完全重写了样式 strutStyle textAlign对齐方式, TextAlign.left : 对齐容器左边缘的 Text TextAlign.right : 对齐容器右边缘的 Text TextAlig...
RichText只支持图文混排,不知道编辑;EditableText只支持编辑,不知道混排,目前官方并没有一个组件即可支持编辑,同时也可以支持混排 主要是因为EdtiableText支持对应的RenderObject只普通TextSpan的输入,如果要支持混排则需要加入WidgetSpan,通过魔改一下,其实应该是可以做到编辑加混排,需要改一下Layout和Paint过程,当然...
Colors.{color}[x] not constant #31351 commented on Dec 14, 2024 • 0 new comments Make an AnimatedList.seperated() constructor #51747 commented on Dec 14, 2024 • 0 new comments [Web] [CanvasKit] rendering chinese texts with different font weight will output weird characters #13...
useTextTheme: true, useM2StyleDividerInM3: true, tabBarIndicatorWeight: 5, tabBarIndicatorTopRadius: 6, ), keyColors: const FlexKeyColors( useSecondary: true, useTertiary: true, ), visualDensity: FlexColorScheme.comfortablePlatformDensity, ...
children,Color?selectionColor,SelectionRegistrar?registrar,}):_softWrap=softWrap,_overflow=overflow,_selectionColor=selectionColor,_textPainter=TextPainter(text:text,///text: style传递给 style: TextSpan text属性了textAlign:textAlign,textDirection:textDirection,textScaleFactor:textScaleFactor,maxLines:maxLines...
This article shows you a couple of different ways to automatically change text color based on the brightness of background color. What Is The Point? Flutter provides a few methods that can help us get the job done. 1. The...