前段时间介绍了Flutter App Template Generater的基本功能,现在用它来创建一个像样的例子。基于Unsplash Api来浏览图片的例子。先来几张图: discover dark collection list dark settings dark 初始化工程 安装插件到Android Studio。 用Android Studio生成一个项目photo。 右击项目目录的lib,选择New --> Generate App ...
最简单的替换方法就是进行全局替换,搜索关键字flutter_template,然后替换你想要的项目包名,如下图所示: Flutter目录修改 修改项目根目录pubspec.yaml文件, 修改项目名、描述、版本等信息。 【注意】这里修改完pubspec.yaml中的name属性后,flutter项目的包名将会修改,这里我推荐大家使用全局替换的方式修改比较快。例如我想...
Converter NOW - Unit and currency Converter Flutter App Template Convert Now is made to be easy, fast and immediately useable: just start typing and immediately you have the real-time conversion with all the other units of measurement FREE ...
flutter_app_template A new Flutter project. Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: Lab: Write your first Flutter app Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples For help getting started with Flu...
When you create a new Flutter app using the command "Flutter create", it generates a template app. It is a great place to start, but you often want to change the name from com.example.app that is generated. This article explains how and also an error that I bumped into. ...
git clone https://github.com/xuexiangjys/flutter_template.git 2.修改项目名(文件夹名),并删除目录下的.git文件夹(隐藏文件) 3.使用AS或者VSCode打开项目,然后分别修改flutter、Android、ios项目的包名、应用ID以及应用名等信息。 最简单的替换方法就是进行全局替换,搜索关键字flutter_template,然后替换你想要的项目...
Flutter Medical Center Theme is a suitable app template with the aim to provide all information regarding the nearby medical centers to citizens. Perfect app template with cross-platform support, intended for institutions, organizations, or companies that own multiple medical centers. ...
Flutter App Template Generator是一个自当生成Flutter应用框架的Android Studio和Intellij IDEA插件。它可以帮助生成大部分代码框架。它拥有这些特性: 使用reduce进行widget的状态管理。 能够自动把json转化成dart类。 根据提供的json生成网络访问的restful api接口。
and 20 integrations. This flutter template is suitable for a wide range of businesses that require clean design & powerful features. If you are planning to develop an app merely for the Android platform, there is also an Android version of this UI kit template written in Kotlin, and offering...