barcode_widget 条码生成小部件。 2022-08-12 167 card_scanner 快速、准确和安全的信用卡和借记卡扫描库。 2021-04-28 92 feedback 允许用户直接在应用程序中提供交互式反馈。 2022-05-12 598 pin_code_text_field 漂亮且高度可定制的 Flutter 小部件,用于输入 pin 码。适用于登录和 OTP 等用例。 2021-03-...
解码 flutter_barcode_scanner: ^2.0.0 二维码制作 qr_code_scanner: ^1.0.1 二维码扫描 时间日期选择和转换 omni_datetime_picker: ^1.0.9 年月日 和 时间选择 table_calendar: ^3.0.9 各种
Barcode Scanner - 二维码扫描 列表 Dialogflow - 聊天列表插件 动画 Sequence Animation - 轻松实现复合交错的动画 SpinKit - 加载动画指示器 VIllains - 页面转场动画 SlimyCard - 一种将试图分离成两张卡片的酷炫粘液动画 Flutter Staggered Animations - 轻松的将交错的动画添加到您ListView,GridView,Column和Row Ani...
mobile_scanner 基于MLKit 的 Flutter 通用条码和二维码扫描器,qr_code_scanner 的持续工作。 2024-10-11 1769 flutter_blue_plus FlutterBluePlus 是 Flutter 的蓝牙插件,flutter_blue 是 FlutterBlue 的持续工作。 2024-10-08 965 screen_capturer 允许Flutter 桌面应用程序捕获屏幕截图。 2024-08-29 68...
('No image selected.');}_barcodeResults='';});if(_file!=null){List<BarcodeResult>results=await_barcodeReader.decodeFile(_file);updateResults(results);}}),MaterialButton(child:Text('Barcode Scanner'),textColor:Colors.white,,onPressed:()async{_barcodeReader.decodeVideo((results)...
barcode Dart 的条码生成库,可以为任何后端生成通用绘图操作。 2022-08-20 354 flutter_qr_reader 扫描二维码和图片。 2021-04-03 71 scan 使用自定义选项扫描小部件树中的二维码和条形码,从路径准确解码二维码和条形码图像。 2021-12-22 131 flutter_barcode_scanner Android 和 iOS 上支持条码扫描的插件。支持条码...
Through this simple yet effective approach, you can create a Flutter QR scanner app, leveraging the power and efficiency of Flutter and ZXing. Flutter QR Scanner vs Flutter Barcode Scanner As we dig deeper into the realm of Flutter-powered scanning apps, it's essential to distinguish between QR...
Peripheral Keyboard and Barcode Scanner with Flutter 23 February 2023 Keyboard Flutter package to get keyboard height Flutter package to get keyboard height 19 February 2023 Widgets Widget to add shortcuts on your Flutter applications Widget to add shortcuts on your Flutter applications ...
permission_handler: ^11.3.1# flutter_inappwebview: ^6.0.0youtube_player_flutter: ^9.0.1simple_barcode_scanner: ^0.0.8flutter_barcode_scanner: ^2.0.0mobile_scanner: ^5.0.1camera: ^0.10.5+9flutter_svg: ^2.0.10+1Flutter doctor:
The chosen library was qr_code_scanner. My simple app was to be a scanner which when detecting a valid QR code (one containing a json string describing the required structures) would redirect into another screen where data was displayed. The scanner detects the QR codes, the...