以'Text'组件为例,在使用'Text'时,我们可以通过'TextOverflow'属性来指定文本溢出的处理方式,例如: ``` Text( 'This is a long text that may overflow the given width', style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16.0), maxLines: 1, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, ) ``` 在上述代码中,overflow属性被指定为'Tex...
text文本组件是小程序种最基础的组件之一,通过text,我们可以在页面中展示文字。 除了基础的组件以外,还有3个参数: selectabel是<view>和<text> 最主要的区分之一,当selectable为true时,可以长按文本选中,可以复制。space可以控制空格的显示格式,decode组件可以去设置是否可以渲染一些特殊的标签,比如说我们的"...Taro...
Customized text overflow effectsSupported, allows customizing the overflow widget and controlling overflow positions (before, middle, after)Not supported (26748,45336) Copying the actual value of special textSupported, enables copying the actual value of the text, not just the placeholder value of Widg...
InputDatePickerFormField (input_date_picker.dart) TextField (text_field.dart) SelectableText (selectable_text.dart) _TextSelectionToolbar (text_selection.dart) PopupMenuButton (popup_menu.dart) PopupMenuEntry (popup_menu.dart) PopupMenuItem (popup_menu.dart) CheckedPopupMenuItem (popup_menu.dart)...
constSelectableText('This is selectable text. Tap and hold to select the text.',),constSelectableText('This is selectable text with a custom style.',style:TextStyle(fontSize:20,fontWeight:FontWeight.bold,color:Colors.red),),constSelectableText('This is selectable text with text alignment.',text...
Exclude Tooltip's overlay child from SelectableRegion by @LongCatIsLooong in #130181 Unifies text field focus management in desktops by @chunhtai in #129652 Mark leak in text_form_field_test.dart. by @polina-c in #130468 Upgrade leak_tracker. by @polina-c in #130507 PlatformRouteInforma...
TextOverflow overflow, double textScaleFactor, int maxLines, String semanticsLabel, }) : super( '\u2022 $data', key: key, style: style, textAlign: textAlign, textDirection: textDirection, locale: locale, softWrap: softWrap, overflow: overflow, ...
【摘要】 本文以表描述形式收录了Flutter中提供的各个类,旨在方便地进行查询相关组件。 Flutter 类功能索引(全) 本文以表描述形式收录了Flutter中提供的各个类,旨在方便地进行查询相关组件。 本文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_28550263/article/details/133415589 ...
loadString('lib/markdown/overflowBox.md'), builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot snapshot) { if (snapshot.hasData) { return Markdown( data: snapshot.data, selectable: true, ); } else { return Center( child: Text("加载中..."), ); } }, ), ); } } 此代码已共享到码云...
future: rootBundle.loadString('lib/markdown/sizedOverflowBox.md'), builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot snapshot) { if (snapshot.hasData) { return Markdown( data: snapshot.data, selectable: true, ); } else { return Center( ...