I want a selectable text that is clickable, in this case I'm using Flutter Web and the html library, I have a clickable phone number which allows the user to select an app from the browser to phone with. My issue is that when hovering over this text, the cursor is that of "text" ...
以'Text'组件为例,在使用'Text'时,我们可以通过'TextOverflow'属性来指定文本溢出的处理方式,例如: ``` Text( 'This is a long text that may overflow the given width', style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16.0), maxLines: 1, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, ) ``` 在上述代码中,overflow属性被指定为'Tex...
SelectableText constSelectableText('This is selectable text. Tap and hold to select the text.',),constSelectableText('This is selectable text with a custom style.',style:TextStyle(fontSize:20,fontWeight:FontWeight.bold,color:Colors.red),),constSelectableText('This is selectable text with text ali...
Flutter中的'SelectableRegion'是一个表示可以被选择的区域的widget。它可以被用来创建可以被选中并且可以复制的文本区域。'SelectableRegion'继承自'LeafRenderObjectWidget'类,它使用了低级别的渲染对象来处理文本选择。 它可以被放置在'RichText' widget内部来达到文本选择的效果。 通过使用'SelectableRegion' widget,我们...
您可以使用'word_selectable_text 0.2.0'包。
cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.'...
1 SizedOverflowBox SizedOverflowBox主要的布局行为有两点:1 尺寸部分。通过将自身的固定尺寸,传递给child,来达到控制child尺寸的目的;undefined 2 超出部分。可以突破父节点尺寸的限制,超出部分也可以被渲染显示,与OverflowBox类似。 2 构造函数 SizedOverflowBox({ ...
selectable.dart:407:7: Error: The non-abstractclass'InternalSelectableMathState'ismissingimplementationsforthesemembers: -TextSelectionDelegate.copySelection-TextSelectionDelegate.cutSelection-TextSelectionDelegate.pasteText-TextSelectionDelegate.selectAllTrytoeither-provideanimplementation, -inheritanimplementationfrom...
Exclude Tooltip's overlay child from SelectableRegion by @LongCatIsLooong in #130181 Unifies text field focus management in desktops by @chunhtai in #129652 Mark leak in text_form_field_test.dart. by @polina-c in #130468 Upgrade leak_tracker. by @polina-c in #130507 PlatformRouteInforma...
My only nitpicks are that the widget spans seemingly selectable showing up as OBJ symbols in the copied text, also had trouble trying to use SelectableText.rich in an AlertDialog inside a SingleChildScrollView without triggering another assert where Text.rich worked just fine but those aren't real...