您需要初始化ScreenUtil类,就像这里的示例页面中提供的那样 class _HomePageState extends State<HomePage> { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { //You need to add this line to your code //Set the fit size (fill in the screen size of the device in the design) If the design is based...
示例代码 classScreenAdaptationExampleextendsStatelessWidget{@overrideWidgetbuild(BuildContext context){finalscreenWidth=MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;finalscreenHeight=MediaQuery.of(context).size.height;finalpixelRatio=MediaQuery.of(context).devicePixelRatio;print('Screen Width: $screenWidth');print('Screen...
Check failed: android_context_->IsValid(). Could not create surface from invalid Android context #163532 commented on Mar 4, 2025 • 0 new comments Consider determining plugin state from calling back into `flutter` instead as a pre-generation step #164133 commented on Mar 4, 2025 •...
void main() => runApp(MyApp()); class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { //填入设计稿中设备的屏幕尺寸,单位dp return ScreenUtilInit( designSize: const Size(360, 690), minTextAdapt: true, splitScreenMode: true, builder: (context , child) { return...
Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) {returnJanuaryScreen(); })); }, ), RaisedButton( child: Text("2021", style: TextStyle(fontSize:130), ), color: Colors.blueGrey, elevation:0, splashColor: Colors.transparent, ...
SelectionArea on iOS should toggle the context menu when tapping on the previous selection by @Renzo-Olivares in #132851 When resized network image has error, all future unrelated images using the same url will fail, even if the network becomes OK by @fzyzcjy in #127456 Docs on iOS's di...
configureStatusBarForFullscreenFlutterExperience:将状态栏设置为全屏模式 onAttach onAttach 主要做了各种初始化操作,代码逻辑如下 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 voidonAttach(@NonNull Context context){ensureAlive();if(flutterEngine==null){setupFlutterEngine();}platformPlugin=host...
}@overridevoidsetState(VoidCallbackfn){super.setState(fn);print('4. setState - 状态更新');}@overridevoiddeactivate(){print('5. deactivate - 组件停用');super.deactivate();}@overridevoiddispose(){print('6. dispose - 组件销毁');super.dispose();}@overrideWidgetbuild(BuildContextcontext){...
staticconstString imageUrl='https://mocah.org/thumbs/268085-wallpaper-1080-2400.jpg';staticconstWidget appName=constText('坚果前端',style:constTextStyle(color:Colors.white,fontSize:48,fontWeight:FontWeight.bold),);@override Widgetbuild(BuildContext context){returnScaffold(appBar:AppBar(title:const...
Using Container with certain height/width to create responsive space between Widgets? That may look good on one screen but will not look the same in different screen size. Spacer Widget comes for the rescue. Instead ofContainer(width: / height: ), useSpacer(flex: ). ...