`integrator::integrate`函数是重点,主要处理Flutter和Rust之间的胶水代码生成,下边主要分析`integrate`函数具体做了什么处理 02. integrate `integrate`命令相当于`create`命令逻辑的后半部分,以已存在Flutter项目作为目标,调用`integrator::integrate`函数对项目结构进行FRB适配初始化 `integrator::integrate`函数里主要做的...
顾名思义,这个库主要提供Rust和Flutter互通桥梁的功能,可以让开发者只需要会写基本的Rust和Flutter代码,而不需要过多接触FFI相关细节,就可以实现Flutter端轻松调用Rust里定义的功能。 当时没有采用这个库的原因,是当时Flutter项目已经开发了一部分,看文档说明可以使用integrate集成模式(直接修改当前项目结构初始化Rust支持脚...
flutter create hello cd hello && flutter_rust_bridge_codegen integrate flutter build linux --release --verbose build error ] SEVERE: === [ ] SEVERE: Cargokit BuildTool failed with error: [ ] SEVERE: --- [ ] SEVERE: External Command: rustup "run" "stable...
cargo install flutter_rust_bridge_codegen 安装结束后,如果已经有现成的 Flutter 项目,则可以直接通过 flutter_rust_bridge_codegen integrate 完成整合,或者直接通过 flutter_rust_bridge_codegen create your_app_name 来创建整合好该插件的项目。 用Rust 反序列化生成 Dart 对象 基础配置 假设现在来创建一个简单的...
flutter_rust_bridge v2: Flutter/Dart <-> Rust binding generator, feature-rich, but seamless and simple. What's new in V2 Click to expand Rapid setup: Only a one-liner command to integrate into your project. Arbitrary types: Use arbitrary Rust and Dart types without manual intervention, even...
(); // Section: wire_funcs fn wire_app_name_impl( ptr_: flutter_rust_bridge::for_generated::PlatformGeneralizedUint8ListPtr, rust_vec_len_: i32, data_len_: i32, ) -> flutter_rust_bridge::for_generated::WireSyncRust2DartSse { FLUTTER_RUST_BRIDGE_HANDLER.wrap_sync::<flutter_rust_...
Describe the bug I run flutter_rust_bridge_codegen create my_app and i got this error it says that flutter create my_app my have sone problem, but i run flutter create and it'ok on my powershell, and i don't know why i got this error Ste...
1,352 changes: 498 additions & 854 deletions 1,352 frb_example/integrate_third_party/lib/src/rust/frb_generated.dart Load diff Large diffs are not rendered by default. 81 changes: 0 additions & 81 deletions 81 frb_example/integrate_third_party/lib/src/rust/frb_generated.io.dart Original...
Guess ios just think the symbol is unused and thus strip it. Tryhttp://cjycode.com/flutter_rust_bridge/integrate/ios_headers.html. In addition, try this template projecthttp://cjycode.com/flutter_rust_bridge/template.html. Exception: Subclasses ofFlutterRustBridgeBaseshould be singletons - the...
Flutter/Dart <-> Rust binding generator, feature-rich, but seamless and simple. - chore: codegen · fzyzcjy/flutter_rust_bridge@5021b36