而我们在使用 ModalRoute.of 的时候,内部就是将当前页的 BuildContext 添加到依赖中,所以他这个改动就会影响到使用 ModalRoute.of 的Widget,使其多次 rebuild。@optionalTypeArgs static ModalRoute<T>? of<T extends Object?>(BuildContext context) { final _ModalScopeStatus? widget = context.dependOnInherited...
重写BoostContainerWidget判等方法,避免框架层对已存在页面进行rebuild v3.0-beta.10 BoostContainer重构,修复容器内打开和关闭页面时界面不刷新问题 v3.0-beta.9 添加前台后台的回调接口 增加从原生open flutter页面时,open操作完成后的回调能力 Breaking Change: [iOS] 增加从原生open flutter页面时,open操作完成后的...
重写BoostContainerWidget判等方法,避免框架层对已存在页面进行rebuild v3.0-beta.10 BoostContainer重构,修复容器内打开和关闭页面时界面不刷新问题 v3.0-beta.9 添加前台后台的回调接口 增加从原生open flutter页面时,open操作完成后的回调能力 Breaking Change: [iOS] 增加从原生open flutter页面时,open操作完成后的...
if (widget.animationController.value > 0.0) widget.animationController.fling(velocity: -1.0); widget.onClosing(); } else { widget.animationController.forward(); } } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final Widget bottomSheet = Material( key: _childKey, elevation: widget.elevation, ch...
这样达到了 ViewModel 层处理所有逻辑,视图应该只调用模型上的函数,然后在需要时使用新状态 rebuild 或者其它操作,降低了彼此之间的耦合。 需要注意什么? 作用域问题,确保使用的 BuildContext 在正确的作用域内,即所在的 Widget Tree 中。避免在 Widget Tree 之外的地方使用 BuildContext,否则可能导致运行时错误。 生命...
/// [Navigator.pop] when the modal bottom sheet was closed. /// /// See also: /// /// * [BottomSheet], which is the widget normally returned by the function /// passed as the `builder` argument to [showModalBottomSheet].
bool shouldRebuild(SliverBarDelegate oldDelegate) { return true; } @override double get maxExtent => widget.preferredSize.height; @override double get minExtent => widget.preferredSize.height; } ``` 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ...
AStatelessWidgetwill neverrebuildby itself (but can from external events). AStatefulWidgetcan. That is the golden rule. But any kind of widget can be repainted at any time. Stateless only means that all of its properties are immutable and that the only way to change them is to create a ne...
The important difference between stateless and stateful widgets is thatStatefulWidgets have aStateobject that stores state data and carries it over across tree rebuilds, so it's not lost. If you are in doubt, remember this rule: if a widget changes outside of thebuildmethod (because of runti...