dependencies: flutter_quill: ^<latest-version-here> OR dependencies: flutter_quill: git: Note: At this time, we are making too many changes to the library, and you might see a new version almost every day Using the latest version and reportin...
builders(), ); QuillToolbar.basic( controller: controller, embedButtons: FlutterQuillEmbeds.buttons(), ); Custom Size Image for Mobile Define mobileWidth, mobileHeight, mobileMargin, mobileAlignment as follows: { "insert": { "image": "
Pub: Usage See theexampledirectory for a minimal example of how to use FlutterQuill. You typically just need to instantiate a controller: QuillController _controller = QuillController.basic(); and then embed the toolbar and the editor, within your app. Fo...
.github chore: update 3_question.yml template 9个月前 dart_quill_delta chore(version): update to version 9.4.6 8个月前 doc docs: update custom_buttons to revert a minor change from previous commit 8个月前 example chore: update outdated web example ...
Advanced Usage of Flutter Quill You can refer to the example directory in the Flutter Quill GitHub repository for advanced usage. The sample code there will guide you through more complex implementations, such as customizing the editor toolbar with custom buttons or handling different font sizes and...
本文工具类已上传至Github 这是我在学习Sqflite过程中做的笔记,我觉得已经把sqflite的使用概括了,下面来看看工具类的使用: 在main中进行初始化操作 class Provider { static Database db; // 获取数据库中所有的表 Future<List> getTables() async {
实现如自定义表情、主题、段落、语法高亮等能力;升级 Flutter 2.2 后,发现 flutter-quill 不好用了...
phonegap1003楼•2 个月前
flutter-quill 富文本编辑器 freezed 数据model 生成器,支持注解方式 flutter_colorpicker 颜色选取工具 styled_widget ...