{ "to": "XXXX", "notification": { "title": "ASAP Alert", "body": "Please open your app"...Custom sound push notification does not work (Flutter)
每次将Flutter应用打包iOS上传到App Store Connect之后,都会收到以下电子邮件警告,但不影响正常构建版本。但是烦躁,解决如下:大意就是 缺少推送相关的配置信息,其实在开发者网站配置证书的时候一般都进行 ‘推送功能’ APNs 勾选,但是项目中暂未设置推送配置,所以警告。思路两个方向:
Flutter项目,打包iOS一直出现ITMS-90078 Missing Push Notification Entitlement的问题解决方案: 每次将Flutter应用打包iOS上传到App Store Connect之后,都会收到以下电子邮件警告,但不影响正常构建版本。但是烦躁,解决如下: Dear Developer, We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, "xxx...
There is a problem with typization when creating a RemoteMessage from data that is received from push notification on ios. data argument should be <String, dynamic>, not <String, String>, as I understand. For example, that is data that I receive in my Push on Ios: data: {fcm_options...
Once I tap on the notification It doesn't open the app but it calls the handler for opening the notification, this issue is only on android, as for the IOS it is working perfectly. and while using flutter 2.5 I'm getting this warning on ...
1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132import'package:flutter_apns_only/flutter_apns_only.dart';voidmain(){WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();finalconnector=ApnsPushConnectorOnly();// onLaunch gets called, when you tap on notification on a closed app// onResume gets called, when you tap...
· com.wolai.flutter_app.AGOO · android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS · com.meizu.flyme.permission.PUSH · com.wolai.flutter_app.permission.PROCESS_PUSH_MSG · com.wolai.flutter_app.permission.PUSH_PROVIDER · com.hihonor.push.permission.READ_PUSH_NOTIFICATION_INFO ...
;try{//监听消息通知jpush.addEventHandler(// 接收通知回调方法。onReceiveNotification:(Map<String,dynamic>message)async{print("flutter onReceiveNotification: $message");},// 点击通知回调方法。onOpenNotification:(Map<String,dynamic>message)async{print("flutter onOpenNotification: $message");},// 接收...