'flutter.pub-cache\hosted\pub.dartlang.org' In there you will find all the packages you previously installed. Search for the exact package file giving you trouble and confirm that it is either completely not found, or missing the lib file. ...
Failed to build iOS app Error output from Xcode build: ↳ ** BUILD FAILED ** Xcode's output: ↳ === BUILD TARGET firebase_auth OF PROJECT Pods WITH CONFIGURATION Debug === In file included from /Users/mobileappsdev/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/firebase_auth-0.5.10/ios...
3、Error: Type 'DiagnosticableMixin' not found. image.png 该问题需要修改flutter SDK源码的2个文件。 修改文件1 修改地址:D:\flutter_sdk\flutter_sdk_1.22.6.pub-cache\hosted\pub.flutter-io.cn\flutter_cupertino_date_picker-1.0.26+2\lib\src\date_picker_theme.dart 修改内容:将DiagnosticableMixin修改...
Hopefully one of these steps will help you getflutter pub run build_runner buildworking again. Happy coding! # To add dependencies to pubspec.yamldependencies:# ... other dependencies ...build_runner: ^2.0.2 json_serializable: ^5.0.0 dev_dependencies:# ... other dev dependencies ...build...
双击打开后,我们在里面添加上这两行即可: 为了方便大家 CV ,具体内容如下: export PUB_HO ...
3. 由于dart 默认的pub cache 在~/.pub-cache,而flutter 默认的 pub cache 在 你的flutte sdk/.pub-cache, 因此我们可以通过配置环境变PUB_CACHE来指定dart 的cache路径,保证与flutter 的一致。官方介绍: https://dart.dev/tools/pub/glossary#system-cache...
在这里插入图片描述 既然执行flutter build apk命令你都搞明白了,那么其他 flutter 相关的任何命令你是否也可以自己举一反三进行分析学习,本质都一样哈。由于我这里时间有限,所以对于flutter pub get、flutter doctor等其他命令不再做详细分析。
完整的报错内容大概如下面的内容 Launching lib/main.dart on iPhone13indebug mode...Running Xcode build...Xcode build done.11.0s Failed to build iOS app Error output from Xcode build:↳---xcodebuild:WARNING:Using the first of multiple matching destinations:{platform:iOS Simulator,id:dvtdevice-...
Flutter Pub Get Flutter Pub Upgrade Flutter Pub Outdated Flutter Logs Flutter test flutter upgrade fultter build ios and android fultter clean Reveal project folder in Finder/Explorer Generate Widgets: When creating a new file, choose the "New Flutter Widget" option. Generate Blocs: When creating ...
尝试将Environment Variable设置为Cache。转到 C:\用户\alius\应用程序数据\本地\发布\缓存\bin copy此...