尝试上传 $ flutter packages pub publish --server=https://pub.dartlang.org $ flutter pub publish --server=https://pub.dev 均返回 Connection closed before full header was received pub finished with exit code 69 备注: $ flutter doctor Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -...
Upgrading pre 1.12 Android projects · flutter/flutter Wiki (github.com) 问题:pub get failed exit code: 69 解决:查看flutter doctor,修复问题 问题: Windows Version (Unable to confirm if installed Windows version is 10 or greater) 解决:切换flutter渠道 [1] 在cmd输入flutter channel 查看自己的flutt...
我通过Chat GPT找到了解决方案。只是禁用所有防病毒程序,我想我可以禁用保护flutter SDK之后。顺便说一句...
Steps to Reproduce flutter pub outdated throws: pub finished with exit code 69 Expected results: Actual results: Code sample Logs [✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 2.10.1, on macOS 12.2.1 21D62 darwin-x64, locale zh-Hans-CN) • Flutter version...
When i running flutter pub get in my app, my computer console print Cannot create link, path = 'C:\Users\linjianchou\AppData\Local\Pub\Cache\_temp\dirc2beee1f\macos\Classes\FlutterBluePlugin.h' (OS Error: Client does not have required pr...
Pub will wait for a while before trying to connect again. OS Error: Operation timed out,errno= 60, address = accounts.google.com, port = 54374 pub finished with exit code 69 参考Github解决方案: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/17070 ...
pub finished with exit code 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 使用 flutter packages pub publish -v 1. 命令, 执行后 , 会打印出更加详细的日志信息 ; 详细报错信息 : FINE: Uploading finished (0.642s). ...
如果开了vpn还是不行的,可以尝试使用这个。flutter packages pub publish --server=https://pub.dartlang.org 将地...
类似问题需要我们查看.packages文件中引入的依赖库版本是否与yaml文件中的依赖库版本相同,不过git无法下载指定的库可以到github上将指定的依赖下载下来,解压到fluttersdk/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.flutter-io.cn下。 Androidx兼容性问题 Execution failed for task ‘:app:preDebugBuild’. ...
Because startup_namer dependsonflutter_test anyfromsdk which doesn't exist (the Flutter SDK is not available), version solving failed.Flutter users should run `flutter pubget` insteadof`pubget`. Process finishedwithexitcode69 AI代码助手复制代码...