note: Using new build system note: Planning build note: Constructing build description Could not build the application for the simulator. Error launching application on iPhone 11 Pro Max. 解决: flutter clean 还是出错的话可运行: flutter pub cache repair 最后:flutter clean 问题五:Xcode installation ...
我本次碰到的问题是,Archive的时候报Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code,定位到的文件是 ./flutter/cache/ffi-1.0.x/类型转换错误 ‘T’ 不能转换成 ‘XXX’。 成功Archive的时候是 1,调整了flutter版本为1.22.5,就是把系统环境变量对应的flutter版本调整, 然后又出现其它问题,又挨着...
编译突然出现 package_config.json does not exist. Did you run this command from the same directory as your pubspec.yaml file? flutter clean flutter pub get 1. 2.
if it doesn't then, please try running flutter pub cache repair. Hi @maheshmnj, Thank you for your answer. I am executing the command with the company's project not the newly created one, I change the project location on the desktop and it still doesn't work, if I run flutter pub ...
我在网上搜索,发现GitHub上报告了"java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException“,修复方法是运行"pub cache repair”。我尝试在VS终端中运行它,并显示以下消息“‘pub 浏览0提问于2020-12-20得票数 0 3回答 如何在Flutter中配置最新版本的Firebase消息? 、、、 我使用下面这行代码配置firebase消息传递配置和flutter通知配置,...
When I try to upgrade the dependencies on my project, it fails and keeps trying forever, the same happens with flutter pub outdated, but flutter pub get works fine. This is the output: > flutter pub upgrade Git error. Command: `git rev-l...
import 'package:characters/characters.dart'; ^ ../../../../flutter/packages/flutter/lib/widgets.dart:18:1: Error: Not found: 'package:characters/characters.dart' export 'package:characters/characters.dart'; ^ flutter pub cache repair 或者 flutter clean 然后 flutter run...
dart pub cache clean 重建所有 packages 的本地缓存: [该指令会将本地所有 package 的缓存清空并重新下载,当操作项目时package包中的dart源码报错时,可使用该指令解决] dart pub cache repair 参考: dart: The Dart command-line tool | Dart flutter 包(依赖)管理 ...
--[no-]offline When "flutter pub get" is run by the create command, this indicates whether to run it in offline mode or not. In offline mode, it will need to have all dependencies already available in the pub cache to succeed.