child: Text(Localizations.of(context, HYLocalizations).pickTime), onPressed: () { showDatePicker( context: context, initialDate: DateTime.now(), firstDate: DateTime(2019), lastDate: DateTime(2022) ).then((pickTime) { }); }, ) ], ), ), ); } 当然,我们可以对Localizations.of(context, H...
Pickers are common UI components we see in many mobile applications, allowing the user to select a single value from a range of values. In the Flutter ecosystem, we often encounter situations where we need to pick a date, time or both, or even a range of dates. ...
firstDate: DateTime(2019), lastDate: DateTime(2022) ).then((pickTime) { }); }, ) ], ), ), ); } 3.3.4. 添加中文 如果希望添加中文支持:add local 在弹出框中输入zh即可 我们会发现,会生成对应的intl_zh.arb和messages_zh.dart文件
"picktime": "Pick a time" } 在代码中使用即可,按照如下格式:S.of(context).title 3.3.4、添加中文 如果希望添加中文支持:add local,在弹出框中输入zh即可,我们会发现,会生成对应的intl_zh.arb和messages_zh.dart文件 生成对应的`intl_zh.arb`和`messages_zh.dart`文件 ...
Cherry-pick Labeled PR to Release Branch fix: CupertinoDatePicker.DateAndTime using showDayOfWeek #9118 Sign in to view logs Summary Jobs cherrypick_to_release Run details Usage Workflow file Triggered via pull request October 22, 2024 19:18 ...