flutter_cached_pdfview:这个插件支持从URL加载PDF文件,并会自动缓存文件以提高性能。它还提供了加载进度指示和错误处理的功能。 flutter_pdfview:这个插件也支持PDF文件的加载和显示,但可能不具备flutter_cached_pdfview的缓存功能。 根据你的需求,你可以选择其中一个插件进行集成。 3. 根据所选插件/库的文档,编写代...
Network, File, and Memory. TheSfPdfViewer.networkis used to load a PDF document from a URL, which creates a widget that displays the PDF document obtained from the provided URL. The following code explains the same.
主要有两个源码文件,分别是 full_pdf_viewer_plugin.dart 和 full_pdf_viewer_scaffold.dart 文件 1.full_pdf_viewer_plugin.dart import'dart:async';import'dart:ui';import'package:flutter/material.dart';import'package:flutter/services.dart';enumPDFViewState { shouldStart, startLoad, finishLoad }classP...
//从网站读取PDF数据/webspace import 'package:http/http.dart‘show get; 获取图像数据 //从网站读取PDF数据/webspace var url = "https://cdn.syncfusion.com/content/PDFViewer/flutter-succinctly.pdf";var response = await get(Uri.parse(url));var data = response.bodyBytes; 将数据加载到文档中 //...
@overrideWidgetbuild(BuildContextcontext){returnScaffold(body:SfPdfViewer.asset('assets/flutter-succinctly.pdf'));} Load document from the Network TheSfPdfViewer.networkcreates a widget that displays the PDF document obtained from a URL. The following code example explains the same. ...
advance_pdf_viewer 用于处理 PDF 文件的 Flutter 插件。适用于 Android 和 iOS 2022-01-04 339 encrypt PointyCastle 上的一组用于双向加密的高级 API。 2021-08-08 590 facebook_audience_network Facebook Audience Network 插件。您可以通过此插件展示 Facebook 横幅广告、插页式广告、奖励视频广告和原生广告。
Form filling- Fill, edit, flatten, save, export, and import AcroForm field data in a PDF document. Themes- Easily switch between light and dark themes. Localization- All static text within the PDF Viewer can be localized to any supported language. ...
2|2flutter_full_pdf_viewer插件 首先预览pdf文件都需要注意一个问题,打开文件之前pdf必须生成完了,所以这就需要一个loading组件来给个缓冲,前文也提到了生成pdf我们用的是Future函数,就是在这里用到 // 这里的loading用的是flutter_easyloading插件// 在根Widget组件MaterialApp的地方初始化loadingMaterialApp(home: ...
Flutter Advanced: PDF Viewer Tutorial Android & IOS | From URL & Asset Flutter Advanced: Auto Create Models from JSON | Serializable Flutter Advanced: Background Fetch | Run code in the background Android & iOS Flutter Advanced: Lazy Loading ListViews | Load More Data On Scroll Flutter...