When starting a flutter project using flutter run outside of vscode and then attaching the debugger inside vscode by running >Debug: Attach to Flutter on Device and pasting the URI provided by flutter, it is possible to set a breakpoint in a file and the debugger also stops the app, but ...
Updated shouldOverrideUrlLoading implementation using the Chrome DevTools Protocol API Fetch.requestPaused event6.1.2Updated minimum platform implementation versions Windows PlatformImplemented pause, resume, getCertificate methods for InAppWebViewController Implemented onPermissionRequest WebView event Fixed InApp...
paused) { // app退到后台后, 刷新状态 } } 切换前台: AppLifecycleState.inactive -> AppLifecycleState.resumed -> build @override void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) { super.didChangeAppLifecycleState(state); // app显示后, 刷新状态 if (state == AppLifecycleState.resumed) {...
只有viewgroup有这个方法,如果哪一级部门拦截就不会再向下一级部门分发) 总经理->部门主管->员工 //处理任务消耗(onTouchEvent true自己处理(包括后续事件MOVE UP),,false返回给上级处理) 总经理->部门主管->员工 //反馈处理结果 总经理<-部门主管<-员工...
zero); return _onData!.add(subs); } } void _notifyData(T data) { _isBusy = true; for (final item in _onData!) { if (!item.isPaused) { item._data?.call(data); } } _isBusy = false; } T? _value; T? get value => _value; void add(T event) { assert(!isClosed, '...
_checkState(wasInputPaused); } 通过final Zone _zone = Zone.current;获取当前的Zone来执行已经注册的回调_zone.runUnaryGuarded(_onData, data),执行完毕,使用_state&=~_STATE_IN_CALLBACK来保存当前状态,使用&=~舍弃第6位数字,_STATE_IN_CALLBACK值为32,那么低第六位是1,~_STATE_IN_CALLBACK,除了第六...
然后在_checkState(wasInutPaused)来确定在执行callback中间并无状态改变。那么再执行完毕_sendDone()的时候也是如此,首先判断是否已经取消,没取消的话,执行_onDone回调。void _sendDone() { assert(!_isCanceled); assert(!_isPaused); assert(!_inCallback); void sendDone() { // If the subscription has...
protected void onStop() { super.onStop(); flutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel().appIsPaused(); } } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.
//注意这个状态,在切换到后台时候会触发,所以流程应该是先冻结窗口,然后停止UI print('YM--->AppLifecycleState.inactive'); break; case AppLifecycleState.paused: // 应用程序处于不可见状态 相当于进入了后台 TextPreferences.setText(controller.text); print('YM--->AppLifecycleState.paused'); break; ...
/// Specify the image that is displayed if stream ingest is paused.StringpauseImagePath="xxxx";// xxxx is the path in which the image is stored.pusherConfig.setPauseImg(pauseImagePath); You can specify a static image for stream ingest in poor network conditions. If the bitrate is low, ...