// You can pass any object to the arguments parameter.// In this example, create a class that contains a customizable// title and message.classScreenArguments{finalString title;finalString message;ScreenArguments(this.title,this.message);} 其次定义一下routes MaterialApp(// Provide a function to ...
home:HomePage(isDialogShow:false),// here pass parameter);}}classHomePageextendsStatefulWidget{bool ...
ERROR: Missing classes detected while running R8. Please add the missing classes or apply additional keep rules that are generated in .../build/flutter_inappwebview_android/outputs/mapping/release/missing_rules.txt. ERROR: R8: Missing class android.window.BackEvent (referenced from: void io.flut...
abstract class MyParameter with _$MyParameter { factory MyParameter({ required int userId, required Locale locale, }) = _MyParameter; final exampleProvider = Provider.autoDispose.family((ref, myParameter) { print(myParameter.userId); print(myParameter.locale); ...
classHandler{Handler({this.type=HandlerType.route,this.handlerFunc});finalHandlerType type;finalHandlerFunc handlerFunc;}...typedefWidgetHandlerFunc(BuildContext context,Map<String,List<String>>parameters); Handler是构造成HandlerType.route类型的类,需要传入this.handlerFunc参数 ...
Remove a println in WidgetIndentsHighlightingPass.java (#3468) Fix an npe from the FlutterErrorReportSubmitter.java class (#3469) Handle notifications when a project has been disposed more gracefully. (#3472) Fix two bugs for widget guide outlines. (#3470) ...
Add timestamp field to ScanResult class #59 (thanks to simon-iversen) Add FlutterBlue.name to get the human readable device name #93 (thanks to mvo5) Fix bug where if there were multiple subscribers to FlutterBlue.state and one cancelled it would accidentally cancel all subscribers (thank ...
@freezedabstractclassMyParameterwith_$MyParameter{factoryMyParameter({requiredintuserId,requiredLocale locale, }) = _MyParameter; }finalexampleProvider = Provider.autoDispose.family<Something, MyParameter>((ref, myParameter) {print(myParameter.userId);print(myParameter.locale);// Do something with use...
The method for sending a message is in the core class TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.getMessageManager(). It supports sending text, custom, and rich media messages, and all of which belong to the V2TimMessage type. V2TimMessage can contain different sub-types to indicate different types of...