Passing data to StatefulWidget and accessing it in it's state in Flutter This answer is added one month before this… Does this answer your question?Pass StatefulWidget data to the State class without using constructor J Jack' Don't pass parameters toSta...
import'package:flutter/material.dart';import'app_route.dart';import'package:fluro/fluro.dart';voidmain(){router.define('home/:data',handler:newHandler(handlerFunc:(BuildContext context,Map<String,dynamic>params){returnnewHome(params['data'][0]);}));runApp(newLogin());}classLoginextendsStatef...
// The StoreProvider should wrap your MaterialApp or WidgetsApp. This will // ensure all routes have access to the store. return StoreProvider<int>( // Pass the store to the StoreProvider. Any ancestor `StoreConnector` // Widgets will find and use this value as the `Store`. store: sto...
Pass it into a StatelessWidget class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { final Future<Post> post; MyApp({Key key,}) : super(key: key); 1. 2. 3. 4. Call it the lifecycle of a StatefulWidget’s state class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> { ...
3. 使用 ConsumerStatefulWidget 和 ConsumerState ConsumerWidget是StatelessWidget的良好替代品,为我们提供了一种方便的方式来以最少的代码访问提供者。 但如果我们有一个StatefulWidget呢? 这里是相同的示例,你可以看到: finalhelloWorldProvider = Provider<String>((_) =>'Hello world');// 1. extend [ConsumerStat...
// 这里的loading用的是flutter_easyloading插件// 在根Widget组件MaterialApp的地方初始化loadingMaterialApp(home: MyHomePage(title:"flutter"),builder: EasyLoading.init(),// loading声明...)// 声明了还没有显示,在statefulWidget初始化的地方显示loading@overridevoidinitState() {super.initState();EasyLoading....
and pass that String to the `builder` function// as the `count`./// Every time the button is tapped, an action is dispatched and// run through the reducer. After the reducer updates the state,// the Widget will be automatically rebuilt with the latest// count. No need to manually ma... get widget package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dartThe current configuration.A [State] object's configuration is the corresponding [StatefulWidget] instance. This property is...
var bodyJson = '{"user":1281,"pass":3041}'; router.navigateTo(context, '/home/$bodyJson'); // Perform some action }, )), ); }), /**/ )); } } class Home extends StatefulWidget{ final String _result; Home(this._result); ...