See this Reddit thread for more details. Finally, the new maintainer was found in early 2023 (see this issue for more details). However, it was not a good sign for thousands of projects using that library. Dart vs Kotlin: The language features Both languages offer modern features. For ...
一位用户在 Reddit 上写道,“这完全是在浪费时间。老实讲,我认为这只会令人们对 Flutter 的未来命运更加怀疑,最终成为压死骆驼的最后一根稻草。而且讽刺的是,这样做的唯一结果就是浪费 Flutter 团队的时间去跟高层磋商,讨论这套由谷歌推动的开源 UI 框架为什么会走向分叉。” 在他看来资源应该被用于支持 Flutter,而...
The counterpart for Kotlin is here. Let's continue converting all this to MVI and the names adopted in the Kotlin part. Add a contract for the View, which is responsible for the states and the logic of their display. Methods for switching View in different states are defined in the contra...
平心而论,Flutter 确实取得了令人印象深刻的成绩:承载的应用程序超过百万个,涵盖从初创公司到 Geico、Virgin Money 等主流品牌。然而,尽管 Ladd 的话让人稍感安慰,但他也亲口承认谷歌更推荐使用 Kotlin、而非 Flutter 进行更深入的硬件集成——这无疑让本就紧张的社区氛围变得更加焦灼。 就在昨天,曾在 Flutter 团...
I've limited the generate code to one source file per platform. There is one .dart file for dart, one .m file for swift/objc (plus header), one .java file for java/kotlin. I plan on sticking to that. I've also tried to make the generated code readable. We'd like to have docs...
Ironically, Dart makes iteasierto find programmers because it is an incredibly quick language to learn. Programmers who already know languages like Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, C#, or Swift can start programming in Dart almost immediately. On top of that, hot reload encourages users to play with ...
NoSwiftorKotlinwrappers No message channels No async calls No need to export aar bundles or .framework's 更多了解更看项目地址: reddit上参与讨论: ...
No Swift or Kotlin wrappers No message channels No async calls No need to export aar bundles or .framework's 更多了解更看项目地址: reddit上参与讨论: ...
Apart from this, as I mentioned earlier, this is not a Flutter issue, so you should probably raise this in support channels like StackOverflow or Flutter's reddit help page. Hence I am going ahead and closing this issue from here as this is unrelated to Flutter. If you are able to tra...
These packages can be written for Android (using Kotlin or Java), iOS (using Swift or Objective-C), web, macOS, Windows, or Linux In this tutorial, we’ll demonstrate how to create a Dart package. Creating a Flutter/Dart package To create a Flutter package, run the below command: ...