share), onPressed: () {}), ], // leading: new IconButton( // icon: new Icon(, // tooltip: 'Navigation menu', // onPressed: null, // ), ), // body: this._pageList[this._selectedIndex], drawer: new MyDrawer(), // 抽屉 bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavigationBar( //...
),body:Center(child:Text('body'),),endDrawer:Drawer(child:Column(children:[DrawerHeader(decoration:BoxDecoration(,child:Center(child:Text('Drawer title'),),duration:Duration(microseconds:3),curve:Curves.easeInOut,),Container(child:Text('Drawer...
If I rotate the device when the drawer is open (from portrait-mode with open drawer to landscape-mode) an error occurs. The problem is that the button for opening the drawer becomes a non functional icon-button with a back_arrow icon. This button should only be there in portrait-mode. ...
Remove non needed controllers in SegmentedButton. by @polina-c in #134064 _TabBarViewState should dispose created instances of PageController. by @polina-c in #134091 Fix Drawer examples are missing dartpad tag by @TahaTesser in #134219 fix a Scrollbar example crash by @xu-baolin in #12...
drawer - 左侧抽屉菜单控件。 endDrawer - 右边抽屉菜单 floatingAactionButton - 悬浮按钮 floatingAactionButton - 调整悬浮按钮的位置 bottomNavigationBar - 就是iOS中UITabBar 够直白吧。 3. 例子 void main() { runApp(MaterialApp( theme: ThemeData(primarySwatch: Colors.yellow), home: Scaffold( appBar:...
Mobile app Minimal Auth Screen with Flutter 19 March 2022 Widgets Flutter multiplatform navigation sidebar / side navigation bar / drawer widget Flutter multiplatform navigation sidebar / side navigation bar / drawer widget 07 March 2022 Slider A fluid design slider that works just like the...
.openEndDrawer();},),// 桌面区域Expanded(child:GestureDetector(child:Container(color:Colors.transparent,child:Row(crossAxisAlignment:CrossAxisAlignment.start,children:[Expanded(child:GestureDetector(child:constWindowDesktop(),onSecondaryTapDown:(TapDownDetails details){posDX=details.globalPosition.dx;posDY...
IconButton( icon: Icon(, onPressed: () {}, ) ], ), drawer: Drawer( child: ListView( padding: EdgeInsets.all(0), children:const<Widget>[ UserAccountsDrawerHeader( accountEmail: Text(''), accountName: Text('阿尼亚'), ...
);// extendBody locked when keyboard is open// 如果 bottomNavigationBar 或 persistentFooterButtons 存在,则会影响 body 是否能延伸到其下方,默认为 false。finalboolextendBody = minInsets.bottom <=0&& widget.extendBody;return_ScaffoldScope( hasDrawer: hasDrawer, ...
assert(drawerDragStartBehavior != null), super(key: key); ///系统Scaffold的属性 final bool extendBody; final bool extendBodyBehindAppBar; final PreferredSizeWidget appBar; final Widget body; final Widget floatingActionButton; final FloatingActionButtonLocation floatingActionButtonLocation; ...