发现两次初始化,第一次是由FlutterActivity 中开始的创建 第二次是在FlutterFirebaseMessagingBackgroundExecutor 中创建了FlutterEngine 过程中初始化插件。 删除了Firebase_messaging 以后(包括其他相关代码)JPush 一切正常。 到这里,基本可以断定是Firebase_messaging 插件导致的。 翻看代码 在这里看到,backgroundFlutterEngi...
classNotificationHandler{staticfinal flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin=FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin();// ...
firebase_crashlytics: Using Firebase SDK version '10.7.0' defined in 'firebase_core' -> Fetching podspec for `firebase_messaging` from `.symlinks/plugins/firebase_messaging/ios` firebase_messaging: Using Firebase SDK version '10.7.0' defined in 'firebase_core' -> Fetching podspec for `flutter_...
The Firebase Console/backend can read provisioned profiles/app ids from an Apple API using the .p8 and based on your Firebase iOS Bundle Identifier (defined when creating your iOS app on the Firebase Console) pair this up with a provisioning profile that has the APNs entitlement where the App...
您的服务器管理员将发送给您的声音名称在通知负载,您添加到iOS文件夹。负载将如下所示 ...
默认情况下,Create-react-app CRA的工作方式是在开发人员模式下不存在ServiceWorker,并且任何以前安装的...
FirebaseMessaging.instance.onTokenRefresh.listen((fcmToken){ 12 Courier.shared.setFcmToken(token:fcmToken); 13 }); Step 7 — Testing push notifications Courier allows you to send a push notification to a user ID directly from the SDK. ...
Fixed opt-in check permissions querying when requestAuthorizationToUseNotifications is set to false on iOS. 8.0.2 November 4, 2024 Version 8.0.2 - November 4, 2024 Patch release that updates to latest SDKs and resolves an issue with Firebase integrations. Applications that integrate with Firebase...
However, with the introduction of the Android Jetpack WorkManager, the developer team decided to deprecate the Firebase JobDispacher and focus completely on the WorkManager. The new Work Manager works with or without the Google Play Services, which FJD cannot do. ...