The issues are closed, yetImage.toByteData()still feels slow especially for 4k resolution images which are not super uncommon on mobile platforms. Code sample Code sample import'dart:typed_data';import'dart:ui'asui;import'package:flutter/material.dart';import'package:http/http.dart'ashttp;const...
After upgrade to 3.27 android app become to much slow mostly unresponsive #160153 closed Dec 17, 2024 HTML images from cached_network_image no longer load in 3.27 #160127 closed Dec 17, 2024 bug issue #159479 closed Dec 17, 2024 Generic Type Compatibility for Internal Implementations ...
Now that we've covered lazy loading of data in a Flutter app, let's delve into efficient image loading. Loading images efficiently is crucial for maintaining a smooth user experience, as heavy image processing can be resource-intensive. 1. Use CachedNetworkImage The cached_network_image package...
In this example, we've used theCachedNetworkImagewidget to display an image from the internet. TheimageUrlproperty specifies the URL of the image. While the image is loading, aCircularProgressIndicatoris displayed, thanks to theplaceholderproperty. If the image fails to load, an error icon is ...
return capImageSize(context,; In Wonderous we took this one step further, creating an AppImage widget that we used for every network image in the app. Since we were loading a lot of large images from third parties (like the amazing Met Open Access API), this...
allowing you to embed HTML elements in Flutter Web applications. If you are usinggoogle_maps_flutterplug orvideo_playerWeb version of the plug, or if you are following Flutter team onhow to optimize the image displayed on the networksuggested, it means you are already using the platform view...
3. **Optimize Image Loading**: Utilize alternatives like the FadeInImage widget instead of Opacity to enhance performance. 4. **Use the Latest Flutter Version**: Stay updated with the latest Flutter version to leverage new features and performance improvements. ...
This article shows you how to use the loadingBuilder property when working with in Flutter. Overview When an image takes too much time to load (caused by a bad internet connection, big file size, etc.), you can...
(height:200.0,child:Center(child:TimerText(stopwatch: stopwatch), )); }Widget _buildRecordingStatus() {returnContainer(height:100.0,width:100.0,child: stopwatch.isRunning ?Center(child:SpinKitWave(color: Colors.black87.withOpacity(0.7),type: SpinKitWaveType.start), ): Image.asset("assets/...
To optimize caching and data fetching, implement proper caching strategies. Utilize Flutter's built-in caching mechanisms, such ascached_network_image, to minimize repeated image downloads. Implement pagination techniques to fetch data incrementally instead of in one large chunk. ...