二、播放器页面对导航栏状态栏的修改设置 @overrideWidgetbuild(BuildContextcontext){super.build(context);SystemUiOverlayStylevalue;if(Platform.isAndroid){value=SystemUiOverlayStyle(statusBarColor:Colors.transparent,/// 安卓系统状态栏存在底色,所以需要加这个systemNavigationBarColor:Colors.transparent,systemNavigat...
// 设置 Scaffold 的背景颜色 appBar: AppBar( title: Text('BackgroundColor 示例'), backgroundColor: Colors.blue, // 设置 AppBar 的背景颜色 ), body
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; void main() { runApp(MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( title: 'My App', home: ChangeNotifierProvider( create: (context) => Navig...
执行各项参数 bottomNavigationBar: CurvedNavigationBar( onTap: (index) { controller.setCurrentIndex(index); }, letIndexChange: (index) => true, color: const Color(0xFFF2FAFC), buttonBackgroundColor: const Color(0xFFF2FAFC), backgroundColor: Colors.transparent, animationCurve: Curves.easeInOut,...
BottomNavigationBar 一般使用在 Scaffold 的 bottomNavigationBar 属性。 Scaffold 还要另外一个属性 persistentFooterButtons 和 bottomNavigationBar 是有区别的,虽然都是在屏幕下方显示一些按钮,但是 persistentFooterButtons 是,而不是导航按钮。 persistentFooterButtons 中是一个 Widget list,通常使用 FlatButton。
Flutter-Button的使用说明 1、几种Button 在flutter中,一共有七种类型的button;分别是一下几种: 1、a filled button whose material elevates when pressed. 2、FlatButton,a material design button without a shadow. 3、DropdownButton,a button that shows options toselectfrom. ...
I'm using GoRouter for navigation in my Flutter web app. When I navigate through pages 1 to 4 and use the app's back button to go back to page 3, it works as expected. However, when I click the browser's back button from page 3, the navi...
SegmentedButton keyboard navigation incorrectly moves focus on click with multi selection enabled. #161922 opened Jan 21, 2025 [Impller] The laptop freezes when running the project on the emulator. After deactivating Impller, it returned to work normally without any problems. #161920 opened Jan...
BottomNavigationBar 是底部导航条,可以让我们定义底部Tab切换,bottomNavigationBar是 Scaffold组件的参数。 BottomNavigationBar 常见的属性 itemsList 底部导航条按钮集合 iconSizeicon currentIndex 默认选中第几个 onTap选中变化回调函数 fixedColor选中的颜色