flutter_native_splash 生成本机代码以使用背景颜色和初始图像来自定义Flutter的默认白色本机初始屏幕。支持暗模式,全屏等。 2022-10-09 4603 tflite_flutter TensorFlow Lite Flutter插件提供了轻松,灵活和快速的Dart API,可将TFLite模型集成到Flutter应用中。 2021-06-28 287 flutter_treeview 用于显示嵌套的分层数据。
flutter_icons 在Flutter中使用可定制的图标,该插件包是受到react-native-vector-icons启发而开发 flutter_launcher_icons 一个命令行工具,可以指定生成IOS以及Android上对应的icon flutter_native_splash 用native实现开机的闪屏页 flutter_share 提供native的分享功能 url_launcher 提供跳转到Web页打开URL的功能,还可以通过...
flutter_native_splash 生成本机代码以使用背景颜色和初始图像来自定义Flutter的默认白色本机初始屏幕。支持暗模式,全屏等。 2024-03-17 7464 flutter_treeview 用于显示嵌套的分层数据。 2022-01-31 187 markdown 便携式Markdown库。它可以将Markdown解析为客户端和服务器上的HTML。 2024-03-07 253 app_review ...
flutter_native_splash 生成本机代码以使用背景颜色和初始图像来自定义 Flutter 的默认白色本机初始屏幕。支持暗模式,全屏等。 2024-12-29 8.68k arkit_plugin ARKit-Apple 的 iOS 移动设备增强现实(AR)开发平台。 2024-12-14 467 flutter_colorpicker 一款受 chrome devtools 启发的 HSV(HSB)/ HSL 拾色器。
We also implemented a splash screen for our app with the flutter_native_splash package. We are also working on some expected breakage for Android 12. Chapter Three: Onboarding With Go Router in Flutter About In this chapter of the tutorial, we will make an onboarding screen and apply it ...
Would you prefer a video tutorial instead? Check outJohannes Milke's tutorial. First, addflutter_native_splashas a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. dependencies:flutter_native_splash:^2.3.1 Don't forget toflutter pub get. 1. Setting the splash screen ...
dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter flutter_native_splash: ^2.1.1 # Our new pacakges go_router: ^3.0.5 shared_preferences: ^2.0.13 provider: ^6.0.2 ReformatBefore we start doing things, let's do some changes to our project. First, we'll create some files and folders....
我使用flutter_launcher_icons:^0.9.3来更改应用程序图标,它运行得很好 android: "launcher_icon"现在我想使用flutter_native_splash:^2.1.6来调整我的启动屏幕。我使用了以下方法:
dev_dependencies: flutter_test: sdk: flutter moor_generator: # use the latest version build_runner: flutter_launcher_icons: "^0.8.0" flutter_native_splash: ^0.2.9 flutter_icons: image_path: "assets/images/iconsround.png" android: true ios: true image_path_ios: "assets/images/logo_ios2....
Seems to be anotheramazing course!Every line of your code is a tutorial for us! Thank you for your great work ... The Riverpod module was fantastic!This could easily be its own mini-course. Very well documented,detailed, good UI / diagrams to make it even easier to process!