// 例如定义一个 CityPage 的路径和 Handler Handler cityHandler = Handler(handlerFunc: (_, params) { // 传递的参数都在 params 中,params 是一个 Map> 类型参数 String cityId = params['city_id']?.first; return BlocProvider(child: WeatherPage(city: cityId), bloc: WeatherBloc); }); // ...
.map((gender)=>InkWell( child: Container(height:40.0, child: Text(gender), alignment: Alignment.center), onTap: () { Navigator.pop(context); Fluttertoast.showToast(msg:'你选择的性别是 $gender'); }, )) .toList(), )); } 效果 AboutDialog AboutDialog主要是用于展示你的 App或者别的相关...
维护一个index和crossAxisIndex一一对应的Map关系表 目前RecyclerView和WaterFallFlow是采用这种方式的,在用户向下滑动时,正常布局,然后记录下没张卡片属于哪一列。然后在用户向上滑动时,对即将进行布局的卡片,先通过这个关系表得到它属于哪一列,然后将它布局在这一列最上面卡片的上方,这样就可以保证卡片的布局对于用户来说...
// const invalidConstString = '$aNum $aBool $aString $aConstList'; 四、特殊数据类型 Dart支持以下特殊类型: numbers 数字 strings 字符串 booleans 布尔 lists list集合(也称为数组) maps map集合 runes 字符(用于在字符串中表示Unicode字符) (一)num数字类型 num是数字类型的父类,有两个子类int和doubl...
tabs: tabs.map((e) => Tab(text: e)).toList(), ), ), 实现SearchDelegate import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_screenutil/flutter_screenutil.dart'; class SearchBarDelegate extends SearchDelegate<String> { var nameList = ["完美世界", "西行记", "仙逆", "遮天", ...
//定义路由Map<String,WidgetBuilder>datas={'/pageone':(builder){returnPageOne("数据1");},'/pagetwo':(builder)=>PageTwo("数据2"),'/pagethree':(builder){returnPageThree("数据3");},};classMyAppextendsStatelessWidget{@override Widgetbuild(BuildContext context){returnMaterialApp(title:'Flutter ...
///url地址,请求数据,一般为Map或者FormData ///options 额外配置,可以配置超时,头部,请求类型,数据响应类型,host等 response = await dio.request(url, data: params, options: option); } on DioError catch (e) { ///http错误是通过 DioError 的catch返回的一个对象 ...
Tooltip- You can enable tooltip for the shapes using theMapShapeLayer.shapeTooltipBuilderproperty. It will be called with the corresponding index every time when you interacts with the shapes i.e., while tapping in touch devices and hover enter in the mouse enabled devices. ...
命名路由的跳转传值 void main() { runApp(MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { //1、定义Map类型的routes Map routes = { '/': (contxt) => const Tabs(), '/search': (contxt) => const SearchPage(), '/form': (context, {arguments}) => FormPage(arguments: arguments), ...
Android issue with the better_player plugin If you encounter the following error while trying to build the Android example project: Could not find com.mapbox.mapboxsdk:mapbox-android-accounts:0.7.0. Add jcenter() to your android/build.gradle file: allprojects { repositories { ... jcenter(...