首先我们也来定义个LoadingMoreBase契约类 classLoadingMoreBase<T>extendsListBase<T>with_LoadingMoreBloc<T>,RefreshBase{var_array=<T>[];@overrideToperator[](int index){// TODO: implement []return_array[index];}@overridevoidoperator[]=(int index,T value){// TODO: implement []=_array[index]...
{ List<String> moreItems = List.generate(10, (index) => 'Item ${items.length + index + 1}'); setState(() { items.addAll(moreItems); isLoading = false; }); }); } } void main() { runApp(MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext ...
A loading more list which supports ListView,GridView,WaterfallFlow and Slivers. - Commits · fluttercandies/loading_more_list
A loading more list which supports ListView,GridView,WaterfallFlow and Slivers. - loading_more_list/lib/src/glow_notification_widget.dart at master · fluttercandies/loading_more_list
Flutter中ListView 是不具有下拉刷新和加载更多的功能的,当然Flutter 提供了RefreshIndicator实现了下拉刷新,但是这些组件仍然是需要在开发中再次封装便于维护。 @immutableclassSmartRefreshListViewextendsStatefulWidget{finalList<dynamic>data;finalFuture<void>Function()?onRefresh;finalFuture<void>Function()?onLoadMore;final...
和尚也是再偶然间看到有大神用到这个三方库的,和尚想要尝试的原因主要是因为一是因为 flutter_refresh 集成很简单,不用单独写头部样式和底部加载时的 loading 等;二是和尚技术太有限,对 Flutter 的未知有太多,想多尝试几种方式。 阿策小和尚 2019/08/12 ...
more or less posts per page (10, 15, 5, etc) final int _limit = 20; // There is next page or not bool _hasNextPage = true; // Used to display loading indicators when _firstLoad function is running bool _isFirstLoadRunning = false; // Used to display loading indicators when _...
Flutter 中 为我们提供了 RefreshIndicator 作为内置下拉刷新控件;同时我们通过给 ListView 添加ScrollController 做滑动监听,在最后增加一个 Item, 作为上滑加载更多的 Loading 显示。 如下代码所示,通过 RefreshIndicator 控件可以简单完成下拉刷新工作,这里需要注意一点是:可以利用 GlobalKey<RefreshIndicatorState> 对外提供 Re...
In addition to lazy loading and efficient image loading, implementing infinite scrolling can enhance the user experience. Infinite scrolling automatically loads more data as the user reaches the end of the list. This ensures that the user can continue scrolling without encountering a "Load More" but...
SpinKit [1094⭐] - Animated loading indicators by Jeremiah Ogbomo. Villains [229⭐] - Page transition animations by Norbert Kozsir. AnimatedTextKit [419⭐] - A collection of cool text animations by Ayush Agarwal. Drawing Animation [160⭐] - Create drawing line animations based on SVG ...