body: Stack( children: <Widget>[menu(context), homePage(context)], ), ); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. menu menu的动画可以分解成两部分: 平移:从左侧推入 缩放:从0.0放大至1.0 menu动画初始化如下: // 初始化menu缩放动画,从0.0放大至1.0 _menuScaleAnimation = Tween<double>(begin: 0.0, end: 1).a...
_TestMenuPageState createState() => _TestMenuPageState(); } class _TestMenuPageState extends State<TestMenuPage> { List<LeftData> leftList = []; int _leftIndex = 0; Map<int, List<int>> totalItem = {}; double height; @override initState() { super.initState(); leftList =
Menu An easy way to create an internal side section where you can insert a list menu Inner Drawer is an easy way to create an internal side section (left/right) where you can insert a list menu or other. 02 March 2019 Tags Apps2719 ...
本章节将讲解另一个场景:左右侧边栏,侧边栏的使用场景还是非常多的,比如:QQ,京东等。本章知识点将延用第六章中实例进行讲解,因为架子已经搭好了嘛,充分利用起来O(∩_∩)O。 本章简要: 1、Drawer 侧边栏 2、UserAccountsDrawerHeader 头部模板样式的配置 ...
(, //给导航左边添加图标,默认是返回图标,无法监听 // leading: IconButton( // icon: Icon(, //给导航左边添加图标,默认是返回图标,可以监听 // onPressed: (){ // print('menu'); // }, // ), // actions: <Widget>[ //右侧添加图标按钮 // IconButton( // icon: ...
void_showMenu2(BuildContext context) {varstate = Overlay.of(context);lateOverlayEntry entry; entry = OverlayEntry(builder: (c) {returnContainer( alignment: Alignment.topLeft, child: TransParentContainer( childOffsetGetter: (ps, cs) {returnOffset(100,200); ...,titleSpacing:1.0,leading:Obx(()=>IconButton(icon:Icon(,color...
Overlay overlapps the popup menu created by `PopupMenuButton` #116504 commented on Dec 17, 2024 • 0 new comments Create DropdownMenuFormField #141941 commented on Dec 17, 2024 • 0 new comments Flutter web iframed doesn't take focus when clicking into it and receives no keyboar...
A:我们可以通过官方提供的PopupMenuButton来实现,可以通过以下这种方式构建 PopupMenuButton( offset: Offset(0,70), color: Color(0xff4c4c4c), itemBuilder: (BuildContext context) { return <PopupMenuItem<int>>[/// 设置你的弹窗Item数组PopupMenuItem( child: _popupItem(0xe69e,0), value: 0, )...