这样,你就不需要手动进入 Xcode 或 Android Studio 设置应用图标,flutter_launcher_icons 已经为你自动完成了这些步骤。不过,请确保在运行上述命令之前关闭 Xcode 和 Android Studio,因为这些工具可能会锁定一些文件,导致 flutter_launcher_icons 无法正确写入新图标。 运行flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons报错 192:...
如果我想改变应用图标,是否要到两个平台目录中去替换那里的图片呢,我说的平台目录是指iOS的myapp/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset和Android的myapp/android/app/src/main/res。 或者是否可以将图片定义为Flutter Asset,图标以某种方式生成? A1: Flutter Launcher Icons旨在帮助快速生成Android和iOS的启...
文件中说: adaptive_icon_background:用于填充自适应图标背景的颜色(例如“#ffffff”)或图像资源(例如"assets/images/christmas-background.png")。 另一方面,您可以使用appicon.co轻松生成应用程序图标,如果需要,请遵循此操作。
URL launcher plugin does not work on Windows/Linux #55 Closed issues: cannot build successfully on iPhone 11 #416 build on iPhone 11 Pro max failed #414 fatal error: 'Flutter/Flutter.h' file not found #413 can not run gallery #360 Change supported locales #359 Use different l10n.yaml wh...
[url_launcher] 🐞 Issue: launchUrl Not Working with LaunchMode.externalApplication on iOS #164682 closed Mar 6, 2025 Unable to turn off the camera. #163183 closed Mar 6, 2025 [tool_crash] SocketException: Send failed, OS Error: No route to host, errno = 65 #164676 closed Mar ...
<activityandroid:name=".MainActivity"android:theme="@style/LaunchTheme"><intent-filter><actionandroid:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/><categoryandroid:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/></intent-filter></activity> 通过修改android:theme属性,确保启动时使用了我们修改后的样式。
PLEASE NOTE:There are a number of reports that non-Google launchers do not display the launch image correctly. If the launch image does not display correctly, please try the Google launcher to confirm that this package is working. PLEASE NOTE:The splash screen does not appear when you launch...
This is actually not an addition to Flutter itself, but a recent addition toGoogle’surl_launcherpackage. You can find a complete description and examples of usage of theLinkclass inthe official API reference. Text selectionwas improved as now the pivot point corresponds to where the user starte...
Once you find the perfect icon, the new "Flutter" tab will tell you how to use it, or you can download this icon as a standalone asset in the app. Adding Dash to your Flutter application has never been easier. Improved text processing ...
We implemented Launch Icon in android with the flutter_launcher_icons package. We also implemented a splash screen for our app with the flutter_native_splash package. We are also working on some expected breakage for Android 12. Chapter Three: Onboarding With Go Router in Flutter About In this...