打开Flutter项目根目录下的ios文件夹,双击Runner.xcworkspace打开原生项目,打开原生代码查看图1是否存在,没有就去如图2目录把Podfile.lock删除,如果不存在Podfile.lock 去终端执行下列操作 //首先执行 (这里为以上目录路径) cd flutter_plugin_demo/example/ios //然后执行(这里默认已经安装好Xcode和CocoPods) pod insta...
但是,要在Flutter中开发跨越Windows、Linux、Android和iOS四个平台的应用程序,除了Flutter SDK,你还需要...
Works on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, POSIX, and OHOS. android kotlin python windows macos swift golang ios key-value tvos watchos wechat flutter ohos visionos Updated Feb 20, 2025 C++ flutter / plugins Star 17.6k Code Issues Pull requests Plugins for Flutter maintained by the ...
四、配置一个IOS编译任务1、copy生成一个新项目点击http://localhost:8080/view/all/newJob 填写item名字,copy from 之前创建的android项目2、修改编译脚本在新项目的 Configuration 中配置编译脚本1 2 3 4 5 6 7 source ~/.bashrc BUILD_IPA_PATH=build/ios/ipa/videomate.ipa BUILD_IPA_ULR=${BUILD_URL}...
bothVisual Studio CodeandIntelliJ / Android Studio. Flutter providestens of thousands of packagesto speed your development, regardless of your target platform. And accessing other native code is easy, with support for both FFI (on Android,on iOS,on macOS, andon Windows) as well asplatform-...
iOS/MacOS:应用 Documents 文件夹 复制代码 该方法只支持Android/iOS/MacOS,在windows/Linux上不支持。 目前path_provider已经支持了五个平台, 所以我们可以不使用sqflite#getDatabasesPath方法,直接用path_provider确定路径即可。如下是path_provider相关路径支持的情况,这里选用Application Documents文件夹: ...
先看看mac桌面展示(Windows桌面类似): 桌面 网页版(调用F12,和前端一样的调试) 网页 iOS(iPhone 12 Pro Max模拟器) http://mpvideo.qpic.cn/0bf2t4aaiaaa2ual22xjqjqfbh6daspqabaa.f10002.mp4? android(模拟器) http://mpvideo.qpic.cn/0bf2lqaaiaaaleal2npjqfqfaxgdaroaabaa.f10002.mp4?
it seems to only run on Android and iOS, but after looking at the code, I see it is based on the ONNX Runtime C Library and it uses Dart FFI, which means I can make it run on other platforms down the line. Off I go with a brand new flutter projectflutter create onnxflutterplay...
Our ultimate goal is to develop a single codebase that runs on iOS, Android (targeting single-screen devices), Android (targeting dual-screen devices like the Surface Duo), Windows devices, Web, and anything else Flutter supports You can see the prototype we’ve built in this video: ...