//dialog 的操作按钮,actions 的个数尽量控制不要过多,否则会溢出 `Overflow`actions: <Widget>[//点击增加显示的值FlatButton(onPressed: increase, child: Text('点我增加')),//点击减少显示的值FlatButton(onPressed: decrease, child: Text('点我减少')),//点击关闭 dialog,需要...
// 自减操作decrease() {setState(() => count--);} _changeValue(BuildContext context) {increase();Scaffold.of(context).showSnackBar(SnackBar(content: Text('当前值已修改'),action: SnackBarAction(label: '撤销', onPressed: decrease),duration: Duration(milliseconds: 2000)));} @overrideWidget bu...
还有就是 SnackBar 可以和 floatingActionButton 完美的配合,弹出的时候不会遮挡住 fab 代码语言:javascript 复制 class_PromptDemoPageStateextendsState<PromptDemoPage>{varcount=0;@overridevoidinitState(){super.initState();}@overridevoiddispose(){super.dispose();}// 自增操作increase(){setState(()=>count...
FlatButton(onPressed: increase, child: Text('点我增加')), // 点击减少显示的值 FlatButton(onPressed: decrease, child: Text('点我减少')), // 点击关闭 dialog,需要通过 Navigator 进行操作 FlatButton(onPressed: () => Navigator.pop(context), child: Text('你点我试试.')), ], )); } 1. ...
_increase(); }, ),RaisedButton( color:Colors.orangeAccent, child:Text( '-1', style:TextStyle( fontSize:20, color:Colors.white, ), ), onPressed: () { print('-1'); _decrease(); }, ), ], ),Text( '当前计数: $_counter', ...
//组合测试用例,判断Counter对象调用increase方法后是否等于1, // 并且判断Counter对象调用decrease方法后是否等 group('Counter', () { test('Increase a counter value should be 1', () { final counter = Counter(); counter.increase(); expect(counter.count, 1); ...
The camera also cannot capture picture with the Bluetooth device, you will only see the volume of the device increase and decrease instead. As an implementation hint, you can use a 3rd package like volume_watcher to listen for events from volume buttons and then trigger the capture action on...
voidmain(){//组合测试用例,判断Counter对象调用increase方法后是否等于1, // 并且判断Counter对象调用decrease方法后是否等 group('Counter', () { test('Increase a counter value should be 1', () { final counter = Counter(); counter.increase(); expect(counter.count, 1); }); test('Decrease ...
Build time: Tree shaking can increase the build time because it requires the build system to analyze the entire dependency graph to identify unused code. False positives: It's possible that the tree shaking algorithm may mistakenly remove code that is actually being used, especially in cases wher...
Increase Bombsight Velocity 增大投弹速度(真实速度,非表速,需根据换算表设定)预设 Decrease Bombsight Velocity 减小投弹速度(真实速度,非表速,需根据换算表设定)预设 武器设备控制 ~~~ Weapon 1 JoyButton 1,Enter 武器 Weapon 2 JoyButton 2,Backspace Weapon 3 Space,JoyButton 3 一般为火箭弹发射开关 Weapon ...