In this procedure, long thin tubes (catheters) are inserted, usually into the groin and guided through a vein to the heart. Special techniques are used to map out the area or “hot spots” that trigger the arrhythmia. These are usually located in the left atrium, close to the origins of...
Atrial flutter is usually caused by a reentry circuit around thetricuspid valvewith an area of slow conduction near the orifice of thecoronary sinus, which results in abnormal flutter waves on the ECG that have a characteristic sawtooth pattern at a rate of between 250 and 330 per minute. Bec...
Ten episodes of stable atrial flutter before and after the administration of moricizine were studied in 9 dogs in the conscious, nonsedated state, and 7 episodes were studied in 6 dogs in the anesthetized, open chest state. In the conscious state, the effects of moricizine on atrial ...