它的backgroundImage属性根据_image是否为空来设置用户头像图像或相机图标。_image为空时,显示相机图标,用户可以点击它来选择图像。 从效果上看: 用户首次看到页面时,头像区域显示一个相机图标,下方显示“点击头像选择图片”的文本。 当用户点击头像区域时,触发_getImage方法,该方法使用ImagePicker库从设备图库中选择图像...
What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments Birds Say the Darndest Things ...
// The Flutter framework has been optimized to make rerunning build methods
--Show a splash screen on the activity.Automatically removed when Flutter draws its first frame--><item name="android:windowBackground">@drawable/launch_background</item><!--Theme applied to the Android Windowassoonasthe process has started.This theme determines the colorofthe Android Windowwhil...
These properties include the ability to control the scale of the image, the alignment of the image, the background decoration, and much more. Features of PhotoView Widget The PhotoView widget in Flutter comes with a host of features that make it a powerful tool for displaying images. Here ...
); // Save an existed image to an entity from it's path. final AssetEntity? imageEntityWithPath = await PhotoManager.editor.saveImageWithPath( path, // Use the absolute path of your source file, it's more like a copy method. title: 'same_as_above.jpg', ); // Save a video entit...
import'package:image/image.dart'asimg;import'package:signature/signature.dart';// 初始化签名控制器finalSignatureController _controller=SignatureController(penStrokeWidth:4,penColor:Colors.red,exportBackgroundColor:Colors.white,exportPenColor:Colors.black,onDrawStart:()=>print('绘画开始!'),onDrawEnd:(...
image, color: Colors.blue[colorDatas[index%10]], size: 100, ); }, itemCount: 20, ); } 系统主题有关的组件 MaterialApp和AppBar详解 Main.dart中有一个MaterialApp组件, 通过这个组件就可以实现很多Material风格的东西: theme:主题属性; primaryColor:定义主题颜色; primarySwatch:标题栏颜色; 主题颜色...
cover), ), ); } const CircleAvatar( radius: 200, backgroundImage: NetworkImage("https://www.itying.com/images/flutter/3.png"), ) Image加载本地图片:首先要在pubspec.yaml中声明一下添加的图片:Image.asset( "images/a.jpeg", width: 150.0, height: 150.0, fit: BoxFit.cover) 3.6 Flutter官方...
为了创建一个线性渐变,你需要设置一个起始点和一个方向(指定为一个角度)的渐变效果。并需要设置最少一个起始色和一个终止色 所以colors的参数长度至少为两个 基础语法 如果你之前使用过CSS3的渐变,对于下面的CSS代码一定有所了解: background-image:linear-gradient(to right,red,blue);background-size:100% 20...