只有当Widget发生结构变化,导致可滚动组件的State销毁或重新构建时才会丢失状态,这种情况就需要显式指定PageStorageKey,通过PageStorage来存储滚动位置,一个典型的场景是在使用TabBarView时,在Tab发生切换时,Tab页中的可滚动组件的State就会销毁,这时如果想恢复滚动位置就需要指定PageStorageKey。 ScrollPosition 真正保存滑动位...
import'package:flutter/material.dart';voidmain(){runApp(newMaterialApp(title:'Flutter Tutorial',home:newTutorialHome(),));}// 这里创建的为一个无状态的widgetclassTutorialHomeextendsStatelessWidget{@overrideWidgetbuild(BuildContextcontext){//Scaffold是Material中主要的布局组件.returnnewScaffold(appBar:newAp...
// inside a setState call to trigger a rebuild. The framework then calls // build, below, which updates the visual appearance of the app. if (inCart) _shoppingCart.add(product); else _shoppingCart.remove(product); }); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return new Scaffold...
('While the widget tree was being built, laid out, and painted, ''a new frame was scheduled to rebuild the widget tree.',),ErrorHint('This might be because setState() was called from a layout or ''paint callback. ''If a change is needed to the widget tree, it should be applied...
Widget第一次被加载(Widget 第一次被加入到 Widget Tree 中 ,更准确地说是其对应的 Element 被加入到 Element Tree 时,即 Element 被挂载(mount)时) Parent Widget 修改了其配置信息; 该Widget 依赖的Inherited Widget发生变化时。 当Parent Widget或 依赖的Inherited Widget频繁变化时,build方法也会频繁被调用。
The url i open has a content that reproduce some sounds, but when Widget is closed (onNavigationRequest if clause is satisfied or user press back button on Android), i can still hear sounds from webview, like the StatefulWidget is not disposed correctly....
1.由于您希望为maxLines添加条件 maxLines: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width < 389 ? 6 : 5 1....
一个widget的构建函数应该是没有副作用的。每当函数被要求构建时,widget应该返回一个新的widgets树1,不管widget之前返回的是什么。框架会做繁重的工作,根据渲染对象树来决定哪些构建方法需要被调用(后面会详细介绍)。关于这个过程的更多信息可以在Inside Flutter主题中找到。
But what if I need to get the size during the build! What can I do? There's one cool widget that can help: Overlay and its OverlayEntry. They are used to display widgets on top of everything else (similar to the stack). But the coolest thing is that they are on a different buil...