异常是在程序运行过程中出现的错误或意外情况。对于"just_audio"包抛出的异常,可能是由于以下原因: 文件路径错误:当指定的音频文件路径不存在或无法访问时,"just_audio"包会抛出异常。这可能是由于文件路径拼写错误、文件被移动或删除等原因导致的。 音频格式不支持:"just_audio"包只支持特定的音频格式,如MP3、AAC等...
所以我正在做的是将文本发送到 11 个实验室流 api,并获取我正在使用 just_audio 包播放的原始音频数据。我的另一个函数在这里启动 _fetchAudioData 函数,我获取音频数据并开始播放。 Future<Uint8List?> _fetchAudioData(String text) async { try { var response = await Uri.parse( 'https:/...
final String pauseString = 'TAP TO PAUSE'; @override void dispose() { player.dispose(); super.dispose(); } @override void initState() { player.setAsset(widget.soundPath); super.initState(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { ...
audio to your list of messages here. // this if will only be called once because of the flag // update your UI } }, onDone: () { // do something here, your stream has finished collecting the data. // you can use your list of bytes here to do something }, onError: (error)...
How to play local mp3 file withaudioplayer 0.2.0in Flutter. pubspec.yaml flutter: assets: - sounds/music.mp3 main.dart Future<ByteData> loadAsset()async{returnawaitrootBundle.load('sounds/music.mp3'); }//FIXME:This code is not working.Future playLocal()async{finalresult =awaitaudio...
audio.setUrl(musicUrl.url, headers: musicUrl.headers);; // 上一首 void prev() {; if (current != null) { int ind = _playerHistory.indexOf(current!.id); if (ind > 0) { String prevId = _playerHistory[ind - 1]; MusicItem? m = playerLis...
How to use Dio for app networking How to implement a CRUD API How to use Riverpod for state management and dependency injection You can study theDiodocs to explore the many things you could achieve using Dio. If you liked this tutorial and found it helpful, drop a reaction or a comment ...
just_audio_windows: ^0.2.1 dev_dependencies: flutter_test:3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions 3 windows/flutter/ Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -6,9 +6,12 @@#include "generated_plugin_registrant.h"#...