Future<void> _handleRefresh() async { try { // 获取新数据并更新状态 ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar( SnackBar(content: Text('Page Refreshed')), ); } catch (error) { ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar( SnackBar(content: Text('Failed to refresh')), ); } } 1. 2. 3. ...
http://www.phonegap100.com/appapi.php?a=getPortalList&catid=20&page=1 二、Flutter 下拉刷新 @overrideWidgetbuild(BuildContextcontext){returnScaffold(appBar:AppBar(title:Text("请求数据Dio Demo"),),body:this._list.length>0?RefreshIndicator(onRefresh:_onRefresh,child:ListView.builder(itemCount:thi...
A flutter widget that provides pull-down refresh and pull-up load. - flutter_easy_refresh/example/lib/page/sample/chat.dart at v2 · xuelongqy/flutter_easy_refresh
a widget provided to the flutter scroll component drop-down refresh and pull up load. - flutter_pulltorefresh/lib/src/smart_refresher.dart at master · peng8350/flutter_pulltorefresh
I also tried using the loading_more_list package, but I could not get it to work, let alone work with bloc as well. You can use the package I recommended with a RefreshIndicator to achieve a pull-to-refresh functionality as recommended on their pub. dev page. I will...
((_pagingController.value.status == PagingStatus.loadingFirstPage || _pagingController.value.status == PagingStatus.ongoing) && _isLoadingStarted) return; _isLoadingStarted = true; }); super.initState(); } Future<void> _refreshList() async...
page several times before seeing the corresponding update. In Flutter version 2.2, when the new service worker detects an update, users need to wait for the update to be downloaded before they can use the app, but they do not need to manually refresh the page again to see the updated ...
In-App rules will now attempt to refresh before displaying. This change should reduce the chances of showing out of data or cancelled in-app automations, scenes, or surveys when background refresh is disabled. Fixed reporting issue with a single page Scene. Fixed rendering issues for Scenes &...
chore: try to bump master branch to refresh codecov 1年前 frb_internal feat: know script path 1年前 frb_internal.bat feat: write .bat 1年前 justfile test: add fixtures to test function codegen 1年前 rustfmt.toml feat: rustfmt