This tutorial shows you how to downgrade or upgrade Flutter SDK version using various methods. If you install Flutter SDK on your computer, you'll install the latest stable version by default. For some reason, you may want to use an older version. As an example, if the code cannot be ru...
Fluwx fluwx = new Fluwx(); fluwx.share(WeChatShareImageModel( image: _imagePath, thumb...
downgrade 将Flutter降级到当前渠道的上一个活动版本。 precache 填充Flutter工具的二进制文件缓存。 upgrade 升级Flutter。 flutter packagesget获取项目所有的依赖包。 flutter packages upgrade 获取项目所有依赖包的最新版本。 bash-completion 输出命令行Shell自动完成设置脚本。 channel 列出或切换Flutter渠道。 config 配置...
If you are using the latest version of Flutter (3.0.0) you just need to use the latest version of GetX, and that's ok. However, in large projects we know that it is not always possible to update on the same day, there are many plugins that still do not support flutter 3. The la...
Steps to Reproduce I'm trying to produce my flutter application as aar to the customer, and customer requires to set compileSdkVersion to 30 because of there own application issue. But, when I tried to downgrade compileSdkVersion to 30, ...
1.Android studio Gradle project sync failed Android studio 构建项目出错 Error:Unable to start the ...
$ export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/path/to/Android/Sdk :::note Some users have experienced difficulties with cross-compilation artefacts missing from the newest NDK, which is downloaded by default in the installation process. If you experience errors of this kind, you may have to manually downgrade or...
Flutter SDKbash-completion Output command line shell completion setup List or switch Flutter channels.config Configure Flutter Show information about the installed tooling.downgrade Downgrade Flutter to the last active version for the currentchannel.precache Populate the ...
降级的另一种方法是更改到flutter-sdk目录,使用git可以 checkout 特定的标记。列出可用的标签:...
编辑:降级命令已弃用。使用以下方法 切换到适当的通道(稳定,主,测试版)