Currently, there is no way to close a specific alert dialog. In Flutter, the only way to close a specific dialog is by this dialoge itself like this showSomeDialog() { return showDialog( context: context, builder: (BuildContext contextPopup) { return AlertDialog( content: Center( child: ...
首先,您需要在Stateful Widget中调用您的showDialog,以便访问(顾名思义)某个状态。然后,在该屏幕中...
Close(true);setState((){});}@overrideWidgetbuild(BuildContextcontext){// ...}@overridevoidonWindowClose()async{bool_isPreventClose=await windowManager.isPreventClose();if(_isPreventClose){showDialog(context:context,builder:(_){returnAlertDialog(title:Text('Are you sure you want to close this ...
...Dialog ---对话框在Ios和Android客户端中都很常见,在Flutter中常用的AlertDialog、SimpleDialog和AboutDialog。...在Flutter中你可以使用ShowDialog方法来显示这些Dialog。...showDialog方法需要传入一个上下文对象和一个Widget对象 SimpleDialog 就是最简单的对话框,当然也是最灵活的对话框,对话框显示区域完全...
showDialog( context: context, builder: (BuildContext context) { return AlertDialog( title: new Text("Alert Dialog title"), content: new Text("Alert Dialog body"), actions: <Widget>[ new FlatButton( child: new Text("Close"), onPressed: () { Navigator.pop(context); }, ), ], ) }, ...
To implement a Flutter Alert dialog with textfield, you can use the AlertDialog widget and add a TextField widget to it. You can then use the showDialog function to display the Alert dialog. How do I handle user input in a Flutter Alert dialog with textfield? You can use the TextEditing...
return AlertDialog( title: Text('Delete'), content: Text('Item will be deleted'), actions: <Widget>[ FlatButton( child: Text('Cancel'), onPressed: () => Navigator.of(context).pop(false), ), FlatButton( child: Text('Ok'),
1.使用GestureDetector捕获长按 1.使用函数showMenu()显示弹出菜单,并将其放置在手指触摸的位置附近 1....